Education Experts Analyze the Released Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education Results.

The Uganda National Examination Board (UNEB) on 28th / February 2019 released the results of the 2018 Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education Examinations (UACE). ToroDev in Partnership with HITS FM hosted Mr. James Bond a teacher of Kahungabunyonyi Primary School, Mr. Frank Manyindo Head teacher Nyakasura Secondary School and Mr. Baguma Patrick Vice Chairperson FDC party Kabarole district. The panelists were live on “Orukurato” program that is aired every Saturday on Hits Fm starting 08:00pm-10:00pm. The main topic of the day was the general performance of students in the 2018 Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education Examinations  (UACE).

A total of 99,672 candidates sat for the UACE exams in 2018 and At least 95, 839 have qualified for the award of the UACE, which represents an improved performance of students compared to the previous year (2017). 36,656 students were able to obtain three principal passes, 26, 467 got two principal passes, 20,413 attained one principal pass while 12, 303 attained one subsidiary”. Said Mr. Frank Manyindo Head teacher Nyakasura Secondary School.

 “There are many challenges affecting our education system as a country and they need government intervention; reduced funding, insufficient infrastructures in schools such as classrooms and others. These re-occurring challenges affect performance especially in government aided secondary schools”.  Said Mr. James Bond.

He further said learners who perform poorly in  Primary it also affects them in O&A level.  This is very common especially in most Government schools located in hard to reach areas. I call upon the government to put up laboratories in USE and employ qualified science teachers in those schools to register good performance.

He advised the government to motivate teachers, increase education facilitation’s and improve the approach towards education sector, improve laboratories, employ more science teachers among others. He called up on parents to work hand in hand with schools such that they can fight the problem of high dropouts in schools and increase performance.

Mr Frank further said in terms of gender based performance according to Mr. Odongo the general secretary of UNEB that female candidates performed better than their male counterparts at the principal level pass in Arts, Physics and Agriculture. However, male candidates were also better in Biology, Chemistry, Art and General Paper. Out of the total of 99,672 candidates who sat the exams, 53,359 were male and 41,313 were female.

Better performances have been registered in History, Economics, Entrepreneurship Education, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Arts than the previous year, 2017. Performance in Geography also improved at the A-pass level; however there was a decline in Biology, Agriculture, Literature in English and CRE

“Hard to reach schools registered poor performance because students miss classes due to lack of parental support, some take education for granted and some are not inspired by their parents.   Students who come from poor family, struggle to raise school requirements and this discourages them to concentrate” Said Mr. Baguma Patrick during the talk show.

He further said the government should fulfill its obligations with the aim of improving education at all levels if the sector is to achieve results. The government should increase on the number of science teachers in schools, build laboratories and increase education funds.

During the 2 hours live discussion, listeners participated through call-ins and SMS;

“A lot should be done to improve education sector such as employing more science teachers in schools and reduce part timing teachers especially those who teach science subjects”. Said Buuka a caller from Kagote Kabarole district

Science subject needs a lot of attention and the government should give them a priority”. Said Baguma Patrick a caller from Rugombe Kyenjojo district.


Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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