Evaluation of Radio talk shows on Hits Fm on 9th May 2015 and Better Fm on 10th May 2015

Toro Development Network promotes
access and utilization of information to rural communities through broadcast
media such as radios. Phenomenal radio talk shows; Orukurato and Listeners
Forum are aired on Hits Fm and Better Fm respectively. Participants in these
shows include; central and local government leaders, civil society
representatives and local citizens (youth and women). The aim of the shows is
to provide an avenue where a wide range of issues on promoting public
accountability for improved service delivery and involvement of local citizens
in planning, budgeting and monitoring services that support their social
economic development are discussed. To make the shows more engaging and
interesting to the listener ship, they take a debate form. Thirty four (34) talk shows have
been held in the period 2nd January 2015 to 10th May 2015.
Of great importance to Toro
Development Network is the active participation of local citizens. Their
participation has been on live talk shows, call-in and sms. 
To assess the performance of the talk
shows, an evaluation exercise was planned and executed. The evaluation was held on air where seventy five ( 75) local
citizens actively participated through call-in, sms and on face book. Important
to note, only 8 women participated which maybe an indication that women are
still vulnerable. The following report highlights the findings of the exercise;
achievements, challenges and recommendations.
M&E officer Miss Sheilla Amanya live on Better Fm during the Evaluation talk show
  Achievements attributed to the radio talk
Radio talk shows have improved service delivery in Mugusu sub county Kabarole District “As members of Rights & Forum for Development, forum based in Mugusu sub county we were hosted on Better Fm in April 2015 where we  discussed issues related to improving water services in Myeri Village, we are happy that leaders  were able to listen to the talkskow and they  called us to present this petition to the district chairperson which we did  on 13th/April 2015. We are happy that  Hon. Richard Rwabuhinga the district chairperson for Kabarole pledged 1.5km extention to Kijongo village & 2 kilometers to Mweri village, the water extension will be done in the next financial budget/year (2015-2016) that begins in July 2015, and water will be extended to the two villages without fail, thanks to the radio talk shows”. Said Mr.Senyonjo Mukwano the leader of Rights & Forum for Development, forum.
Radio talk shows have improved security in Mugusu Sub county. “There  used to be  lots of insecurity in Mugusu Sub-county, people’s retail shops were routed everyday and  business people had  resorted to sleeping in their shops to guard their goods,  we  shared this issue on radio and we are happy today that police officers are doing night patrol, new police officers have been employed and those who were not working well were transferred to other places and now we have enough security and properties are well protected, this is all after sharing the issue on radio and leaders listened and acted positively “. Said  Tibenda  Stephen the Secretary of  People’ Rights and forum for development , Kabarole District. 
Local citizens reported to having a better understanding of their rights
and responsibilities. “The talk shows have created a platform to
marginalized population/groups of women and youth to know their rights,
responsibilities and lobby for improved service delivery from their political
and local leaders”
, reported Miss Shamim, a caller from Kisojo
Sub-County in Kyenjojo District.
Participants noted that local leaders were now more accountable as
opposed to the past.“There has been an increase in information
sharing by local leader and political leaders,
civil society leaders and technocrats as a result of the
talk shows, the talk shows have provided a platform to provide public
accountability for improved service delivery”
, noted Jane Kahuma from Katembe-Mukole, Kyenjojo District. 
ICT tools especially the use of FM
radio stations have helped to improve accountability, monitoring service
delivery and citizen participation in governance.  “Radio programs have empowered local
citizens with information and knowledge to demand for public accountability and
lobby for improved service delivery, the live talk shows have even opened the
eyes of women who used to be very shy to air out their views,but now women are
brave enough to also call in and courageously ask for better services and share their problems with their leaders, leaders who
have been reporting to offices late are exposed and they have changed………”
, observed Mugisa James a caller from Muhoti, west division,
Kabarole District.  
 Leaders eyes have been opened by the radio talk shows, those who have
not been active have been awakened by the local citizens who attend the talk
show and campaign against the sleeping leaders. “The talk shows have awakened the
inactive leaders to evaluate their performance and start working for improved
Said Kugonza David, Documentation & Communication Officer,
Challenges identified by the listeners of the radio talkshows

Leaders participation is still wanting; sometimes leaders are invited for
the talk show but turn down the invitation, many technocrats demand
facilitation in terms of transport, accommodation allowances, etc, “We
find it hard to bring technocrats to the show because some are not ready to
volunteer, and even some leaders have been invited but turn down the invitation
at the last hour which makes our work move slowly than anticipated’’
, Mr.Kumaraki
B. Johnstone, Executive Director ToroDev.
of commitment by some local leaders who pledge to improve services but never
act on their promises;“The political leaders come  for talkshows and  make promises to improve services in health sectors, education, road etc,  but they don’t fulfill these promise but thanks to the good work  of the talkshows which helps us to go back and remind them …..” Tibenda Stephen caller from Mugusu, Sub-County, Kabarole
time for the talk show is not enough to fully enable participants discuss the
issues of service delivery and accountability in their local areas, “the
talk-show is listened to by all the people in the region [Rwenzori Region] and
many people participate though call-ins and SMS. This causes a lot of
congestion and not all people participate during the talk show due to limited
time for all the callers”
Alinda Mary caller from   Kisojo  subcounty,  Kyenjojo  District,
is need to organize rural radio debates to enhance local citizens’
participation especially where the call in rates are low; for example in districts
like Ntoroko, Kyegegwa and Kamwenge. Most rural citizens fail to participate in
the live radio discussions due to poverty, high illiteracy rates and
traditional cultural values which especially limit women participation in live
radio discussions.Rural radio debates will bring the discussions closer to the
local grassroots and hence ensure effective accountability and service delivery
monitoring, “They should record voices of the local people and take them on radio
to enable listeners fully discuss their issues without wasting airtime on phone
and transport coming to radio”
Said Murungi Charles Ntoroko District
Technocrats should be invited through the
office of the Resident District Commissioner (RDC) to be facilitated so that
they can share with people in different communities.
Leaders/ technocrats invited for the talk
shows should communicate in time if they are unable to appear for the
discussion in order not to affect the program flow.
We are grateful to SIDA, NED, DRT, CIPESA, SPIDER, and ICT4DEM for
their financial and technical support.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Ben Chilwell

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