Fort portal municipality Member of Parliament advises fellow M.Ps to lobby through Parliamentary committees

The Fort portal Member of Parliament Hon. Alex Ruhunda has
advised his fellow members of parliament especially the new M.Ps to utilize the
parliamentary committees to lobby for their constituents. Hon. Alex said given
the congestion in the 10th parliament, it may not be easy for one to
attract the attention of the speaker of parliament so as to be given chance to
talk on the floor of parliament hence need to use other available avenues for
Hon. Alex said this while appearing live on ToroDev supported
weekly talk show on 17th September, 2016 on ‘Orukurato’ program. The
talk show is aired live every Saturday 8:00pm to 10:00pm on Hits Fm where
different office bearers appear to share their plans for their constituents and
also give accountability.
Hon. Alex Ruhunda Member of Parliament Fort Portal Municipality
Hon. Alex Ruhunda shared his plans for the 5 years term
(2016-2021) and these included; extending electricity to other parts outside the
municipality like Busoro Sub county that is proposed to be added to the
municipality and that electricity line will be commissioned before October
2016, Upgrading of transformers to 3 phased in Kabundaire, Kasusu, Kacwamba
which is on-going so that business people can have enough electricity to do
their work without interference, marketing Fort portal tourism city to the outside
world. Hon Alex said in 2001 less than 10.000 (ten thousand tourists) were
visiting Fort Portal and now between January 2016-September 2016 already
170.000 (one hundred seventy tourists) have visited hence need to do many more
things that will attract many tourists so that we are able to benefit from them
as people of Rwenzori region and Uganda as a country.
‘’ I have already talked to Uganda Tourism Board & Uganda Wildlife
Authority and we are in plans to build a canopy in Kibaale forest (Sebitoli
& Kanyancu) areas so as to tap on the opportunity of tourists who come to
see birds in other countries to also come here, through this, we shall be
benefiting economically because we shall be the people to provide different
services to the tourists’’
, said Hon. Alex Ruhunda.
We want to construct a water reservoir and we have already
talked to the management of Rwenzori diocese and they have given us land where
to construct the water reserve. This will keep our people with an alternative
even when National Water and Sewerage cooperation (NWSC) supply is off, we are also
working closely with European Union to extend water to areas of Kiko town
council/Sub County and work is on-going.
We are lobbying for a modern sewage treatment plant because
NWSC is using old ways of treating sewage, we have secured land in Karamaga for
the plant and machines are being assembled in India for the work. The sewage
waste will be used as fertilizers to help our farmers increase their yields
hence developing economically.
Am making consultations on the issue of a Television for
Toro and I assure you I will do what it takes to have Toro Television so that
it can channel what people of Toro are doing and the beauty of Toro to people
outside Toro and in the long run attracting more potential investors to boost
the economic sector and also planning Toro conference where we shall seat as
people of Toro to share the Vision of Toro and challenges we have so that we
are able to find solutions for our problems.
During the 2 hours, listeners participated through call-
inns & Sms; ‘’we have on many occasions
gone to Buhinga Referral hospital and we have not got drugs, can the M.P lobby
his fellow members of parliament for increased budget for the health sector so
that people can stop suffering with diseases’’
, said Mr. Asaba Mwanguhya a
caller from Bunyangabu county in Kabarole district, ‘’there are tribal conflicts like in Kabonero Kabarole district and
this has made people move from their areas to other places looking for safety,
can our leaders tell us what exactly they are doing to calm the situation’’
said Nathan Bikanja a caller from Kabonero sub county in Kabarole district.

We are grateful to all our development partners for the
financial and technical support to keep our programs running.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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