The District Chairperson Ntoroko Honourable Kyamanywa Timothy hosted live on Jubilee Fm to give accountability.

ToroDev uses both modern and traditional platforms to lobby and advocate for improved service delivery in priority service delivery sectors of health, education and economic development.  Radio talk shows are one of the modern platforms where duty bearers are hosted to give accountability and advocate for improved services. The district chairperson Hon. Kyamanywa Timothy was hosted on Jubilee Fm on 31st March 2019 to give accountability for the financial year 2017/2018 but also share work plan of what is planned to be done in the district.

The district chairperson under the health sector said, Bweramule HC III is being renovated and this will improve the health services in the sub county. Under the education sector Mr. Kyamanywa said a 2 classroom block at Rwamabale primary school has been constructed and a staff quarter is under construction at Kiranga primary school in Rwebisengo sub county.

We are in the process of putting murram in some roads including; Bweramule-Rwebisengo road, Karugutu-Nombe road, Rwebisengo-Kanara road, Nyamisingiri-Kisembo road in Nombe sub county and construction of Budiba bridge.

Honourable Kyamanywa informed the public that the district received fifty five (55) billions shillings from AGRO-LED to improve agriculture sector in the district. He said it is a 3 years project that will benefit all the sub counties in the district. ”Under this project we have contracted HEWASA to construct four (4) valley dams in Kanara and Kibuku sub counties to support our farmers and their livestock in those communities’‘ said Hon. Kyamanywa Timothy during the radio discussion.

Mr. Kyamanywa further said the district has received a mega project worth eighty three billion shillings (83) from central government to work on water projects in Rwebisengo Town council and  Rwebisengo, Kanara, Bweramule and Butungama sub counties.

While giving a district work plan for the financial year 2019/2020, the district chairperson said the district has earmarked five hundred forty million shillings (540m) for the construction of Butungama HC III and construction of a general ward at Karugutu HC IV. Also one SEED secondary school will be constructed in Nombe sub county and a contractor to construct a staff quarter at Rwamabale primary school has also been done.

The district chairperson requested all duty bearers in the district to team up in addressing challenges affecting health, education, economic development, roads and other sectors if service delivery is to be realized in the district.

During the 2 hours discussion 40 listeners participated through call-ins & Sms and below are some of the extracted messages from callers;

“ Ntoroko district emerged one of the worst performing districts in both Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE)  and Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) in 2018, what is the chairperson commenting on that issue”? Asked Mugisa Ronald a caller from Kanara sub county in Ntoroko district.

We people of Kanara sub county our children are suffering with long distances to access education and this has affected them, what plans does the district have for our sub county”?Asked Godwin Mugara a caller from Kanara sub county in Ntoroko district.

“How is the district helping us on the poor road network in Nyamisingiri, Nombe sub county”? Asked George Balinda a caller from Nyamisingiri sub county in Ntoroko district.

While responding to the above questions Hon. Timothy said we are working together with Chief Administrative Officer and the education department to carry out proper monitoring and supervision in government schools and also to assess learners and teachers as one way of addressing the issue of poor performance in schools. We further plan to organize education conferences, and build staff quarters in every primary school and we hope that this will solve late coming and absenteeism of teachers in schools hence improving the education sector in the district.

We are grateful to all our partners for the financial & technical support.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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