ToroDev has highly been involved in mentoring and supporting
the initiation and strengthening the newly formed advocacy forums to champion
the monitoring of service delivery and democratic engagements through the use
of appropriate ICT tools in the seven districts of the Rwenzori Region. The
advocacy forums are community’s own initiated initiatives meant to sustainably monitor
and advocate for improved service delivery, and demand accountability from the
local leaders.
the initiation and strengthening the newly formed advocacy forums to champion
the monitoring of service delivery and democratic engagements through the use
of appropriate ICT tools in the seven districts of the Rwenzori Region. The
advocacy forums are community’s own initiated initiatives meant to sustainably monitor
and advocate for improved service delivery, and demand accountability from the
local leaders.
Advocacy forum members of Better Life Youths Forum in Butiiti
Sub County, Kyenjojo District have tasked their local leaders to extend water
services and a latrine to Butiiti Health Center III. “For a long time, the Sub
County has been allocating money for water extension but no action has been
done. The health unit holds over 150 patients who survive on dirty water from
the well. This has caused stinking especially in the labor ward because
patients cannot wash their beddings and clothing. The health unit also lacks a
toilet and patients have resorted to using the surrounding bushes as toilets
which is likely to cause cholera outbreak. We went ahead to approach the Chairperson
LC III of Butiiti Sub County Mr. Amanya Joseph about the issue and he assured
us that the Sub County was soliciting funds to solve the problem”, said James
Kisembo, a forum member.
Sub County, Kyenjojo District have tasked their local leaders to extend water
services and a latrine to Butiiti Health Center III. “For a long time, the Sub
County has been allocating money for water extension but no action has been
done. The health unit holds over 150 patients who survive on dirty water from
the well. This has caused stinking especially in the labor ward because
patients cannot wash their beddings and clothing. The health unit also lacks a
toilet and patients have resorted to using the surrounding bushes as toilets
which is likely to cause cholera outbreak. We went ahead to approach the Chairperson
LC III of Butiiti Sub County Mr. Amanya Joseph about the issue and he assured
us that the Sub County was soliciting funds to solve the problem”, said James
Kisembo, a forum member.
Members of Katebwa People’s Forum have also been involved in
advocating for better service delivery in their Sub County especially in the
roads sector. “We have been struggling with transport due to the broken bridge
of River Nsongya that connects to all the villages in the Sub County. This has
highly been affecting our businesses since 2013 when the bridge was washed away
by the heavy rains. With the help of ToroDev, we went on radio and shared the
issue during the ‘Listeners Forum’ Program and appealed to the local leaders to
intervene. This caused pressure on the leaders and as I talk, planning of the construction
has started”, said Muhindo Ezra, leader of Katebwa People’s Forum in Katebwa
Sub County, Kabarole District.
advocating for better service delivery in their Sub County especially in the
roads sector. “We have been struggling with transport due to the broken bridge
of River Nsongya that connects to all the villages in the Sub County. This has
highly been affecting our businesses since 2013 when the bridge was washed away
by the heavy rains. With the help of ToroDev, we went on radio and shared the
issue during the ‘Listeners Forum’ Program and appealed to the local leaders to
intervene. This caused pressure on the leaders and as I talk, planning of the construction
has started”, said Muhindo Ezra, leader of Katebwa People’s Forum in Katebwa
Sub County, Kabarole District.
Atura Nagyayo Advocacy Forum in Kakabara Sub County,
Kyegegwa District has also gone ahead to mobilize the community in improving
and maintaining the services provided. “We mobilized a community meeting on 23rd
February 2014 to discuss about the construction of the broken bridge of Kikuba.
During the meeting, community members made a budget of Shs.5,000,000(five
million shillings) for its construction and the budget was submitted to the Sub
County, District and office of the Member of Parliament who responded
positively. Community members were also requested to contribute Shs.3,000(three
thousand shillings) per male person towards the construction and as I talk, one million has already been collected and we
are expecting the local engineers to start constriction at the end of March
2014”, said Musinguzi Mesaki, the secretary of the forum.
Kyegegwa District has also gone ahead to mobilize the community in improving
and maintaining the services provided. “We mobilized a community meeting on 23rd
February 2014 to discuss about the construction of the broken bridge of Kikuba.
During the meeting, community members made a budget of Shs.5,000,000(five
million shillings) for its construction and the budget was submitted to the Sub
County, District and office of the Member of Parliament who responded
positively. Community members were also requested to contribute Shs.3,000(three
thousand shillings) per male person towards the construction and as I talk, one million has already been collected and we
are expecting the local engineers to start constriction at the end of March
2014”, said Musinguzi Mesaki, the secretary of the forum.
However there is need to conduct more sensitization meetings
with members of the rural advocacy forums/rural monitors to empower them with
skills to skillfully engage with their local leaders for improved service
with members of the rural advocacy forums/rural monitors to empower them with
skills to skillfully engage with their local leaders for improved service