Kabarole District Chairperson gives accountability for the financial 2017/2018.

The district chairperson Kabarole Hon Richard Rwabuhinga on 30th June 2018 delivered the district accountability for the 2017/2018 financial year. The accountability was given during the ToroDev supported weekly program ‘Orukurato’ that is aired live every Saturday 8-10pm on Hits Fm.

While sharing the achievements, the district chairperson said as a district council have managed to work on feeder roads in different sub counties in the district referring to Geme-Saka road, Kicwamba-Kiburara road, Butebe-Karambi road and Nyabukara-Harugongo road among others. He said latrines have been built and desks bought at Mutuli primary school, Kabende primary school and Nyabweya primary school to improve sanitation and reduce congestion in classrooms under the education sector.

Hon. Rwabuhinga further said, out of the 28 billion shillings received for service delivery in the district for the financial year 2017/2018, 79 projects have been supported by the district, 39 women groups and 55 youth groups have benefited from Women entrepreneurship program and Youth livelihood program respectively.

‘’We have managed to fight malaria within our district and we have done this through supplying mosquito nets and sensitizing people to sleep under mosquito nets and through this people have started sleeping under mosquito nets and this has reduced the spread of malaria in the district from 67% in 2005 to below 16% in 2017’’, Said Hon Rwabuhinga Richard the district chairperson Kabarole.

During the 2 hours live radio program, the district chairperson informed listeners that the 2018/2019 budget for the works sector has been approved by the district council. He said more roads will be worked on including; Kiburara-Kabegira-Kirere road, Nyabukara-Harugongo road and some roads especially in lower local government in the sub counties and town councils will be worked on. He said the road network will help farmers’ access markets for their produce.  Under the health sector, Nyabuswa general ward, Nyantabooma maternity ward, Kijura HC III maternity ward will be constructed to improve the health service delivery in the district. The education sector will be improved by constructing a secondary school in Kasenda Sub County and primary schools will also be constructed in Magunga Primary school in Mugusu Sub County, Kasenda primary school in Kasenda town council among others.

Hon Rwabuhinga said despite the achievements there have been challenges in all sectors of service delivery and he earmarked understaffing, increased drop out, absenteeism of pupils and teachers under the education sector, he however, said as a district they are ready to make sensitizations especially for parents and also build capacity of school management committees and PTA’s to play their management roles effectively. He acknowledged lack of funds for road works and limited infrastructure and absenteeism of health workers in the health sector.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Ben Chilwell

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