Kabarole District Chairperson Hon. Rwabuhinga Richard gives Accountability during the Accountability Conference held on 29th May 2015.

Hon. Rwabuhinga Richard
Kabarole district organized
accountability conference on 29th May 2015; the conference was
attended by hundreds of people, who included the local, political, religious,
cultural leaders, representatives from NGO and men and women from Kabarole
District. The theme for the conference was
‘’Kabarole District on the Road towards Prosperity’’
Prosperity has been a journey
characterized by a number of success stories as well as hardships but with
funds from public resources, central government, and local revenue and support
from development partners, we were able to achieve in a number of sectors like
providing safe and clean water to Magunga Mugusu sub country Kabarole district,
constructing different roads in Kicwamba, Hakibale, Kisomoro
“.  Said the chairperson local council V for
Kabarole district Hon. Rwabuhinga Richard
There has been  a great improvement in Primary Leaving
Examination (PLE) performance for example 422 
grade ones in 2010 to 1439 grade ones in 2014, in production the
district has increased Bananas  from 63
tons per week in 2003 to 4 410 tons in 2013/2014, on the road sector the
district has managed to maintain 255 kms and rehabilitating a total of 149.8km
of community access roads, more maternity centers have been opened both in
public and private sector, supervised deliveries in the district stand at 68%
in FY 2013/14 above the national target of 65% and the TB treatment success
rate is now at 86% from 74% (national target is at 85%) and cure rate is at 69%
from 43% in 2011 plus extension of Mugusu Gravity Flow Scheme to Katurru &
Bubandi villages, Kicwamba Gravity Flow Scheme to Buharra ‘A’, Buharra ‘B’,
Magunga & Kahondo villages under the water sector”
. Said the
chairperson local council V for Kabarole district Hon. Rwabuhinga Richard
Hon Rwabuhinga added that there
are challenges that all hospitals, health centre IV, III and some health centre
II in Kabarole district face, which may include few health workers, few trained
medical doctors, few laboratories etc. There are about 4 CD4 machines in
various health facilities, few trained health workers to do routine counseling
& testing (RCT) and Kabarole District HIV/AIDS prevalence rate has remained
high at 11.3% compared to national prevalence of 7.3% but we are trying to
educate the youth to abstain and use condoms.

In his 2 hours  40 minutes address to the district Members of
parliament, district executive committee members, district councilors, chief
administrative officer, heads of departments and staff, development partners,
faith based organization & religious leaders, sub county chairpersons,
parish chairpersons & village chairpersons, Hon. Rwabuhinga showed it that
the district received funds equivalent to 
Ugshs. 122.252.448.284 (one hundred twenty two billions two
hundred fifty two millions four hundred forty eight thousand two hundred eighty
four shillings)
for service delivery under various sectors for the last 4
years (2011-2014).
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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