Kamwenge citizen highlights the state of service delivery in the district

A local citizen from Kamwenge District, Western Uganda,
Ntawangwa George has highlighted the state of service delivery in the district showing
poor service delivery in the priority sectors of education, health, roads and
water. Ntawangwa was appearing on the Listenership Forum on Better FM on 06th
October, 2013.
“Kamwenge District has no district hospital which was
one of the pillars of the decentralisation policy in Uganda. Out of the fifteen
Sub Counties, only six have a health centre III. Besides, in the existing
health facilities, there is poor service delivery.” Said Ntawangwa.
Kamwenge District Boundary Post
Ntawangwa adds, “Recently at Rukunyu Health Centre IV,
a mother died while giving birth because she didn’t find medical workers at
night. Another woman also died recently while giving birth at Kamwenge Health
Centre III because there were no medical workers to attend to her.”
The Listeners Forum Live radio discussion which is
always held every Sunday (08:00 – 10:00pm) was discussing service delivery in
the Rwenzori Region.  The discussion was
also attended by local citizens from Bukuuku Sub County in Kabarole District.
Ntawangwa also highlighted the state of service
delivery in water and sanitation, roads and education sectors.
“Despite the district acquiring a grader from the
central government, many roads in the district remain impassable for instance
Masyoro – Mpara road. Water is also a problem and a danger to people’s health.
In Kamwenge Trading Centre, water is on and off, besides there is no laboratory
to treat water making typhoid the leading cause of death in the district.” Said
Kamwenge district is also facing detoriating services
in the education sector since the district has no technical school when it’s a
government policy for every sub county to have a technical school. Many
government schools also lack appropriate infrastructures like classrooms, “Kamwenge
Primary School buildings were condemned by the district engineers. However, there
are no new buildings constructed and therefore students have no classrooms to
study from.” Said Ntawangwa.
The live radio program which is supported by ToroDev
is moderated by Mukonyezi Wilfred.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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