Kicwamba residents petition the district chairperson over a gravity flow scheme

Citizens of Kicwamba Sub County in Kabarole district through
their local leaders and Kicwamba forum for development and service delivery advocacy,
a community group that was initiated by ToroDev petitioned the district
leadership on the rehabilitation of Kicwamba gravity flow scheme.
Residents especially those from Bwanika village have for
over a year been just looking at the pipes passing through their land and to
some villages like Kihondo water has been off for over two weeks.
Citizens wanted
to know from the county water engineer what funds worth 31 million shillings
that was released by the district leadership in July 2016 meant for the rehabilitation
of the gravity flow scheme was used for because they had take weeks without
water flowing to their villages yet funds for doing the work was released.
Rehabilitation work going on at the gravity flow scheme in Kicwamba
Residents sought assistance from the local council 111
chairperson (sub county level) and also Kicwamba sub county district councilor
who invited the district chairperson to visit the site and look at the work
done compared to the amount they paid for it.
Kicwamba gravity flow scheme that is under rehabilitation
The district chairperson visited the citizens in Kicwamba
sub county in September 2016 and indeed concluded that the engineer working on
the rehabilitation of the gravity flow scheme had mismanaged the funds meant
for the water source.

Above: District council touring the site Below: District chairperson (yellow shirt & hut) with other district officials resting after treking the hills to the gravity scheme
The district chairperson Mr. Rwabuhinga Richard ordered the
county water engineer to work and complete the rehabilitation of the scheme
within two weeks such that residents of the affected areas can access safe and
clean water. The district water engineer was requested to supervise the work
done at the scheme. ‘’We are grateful to the district chairperson for hearing our cry and
coming done to check what we were complaining about, as we talk now there is
good work being done and some people are now accessing safe and clean water
even those in Bwanika village who used to see pipes passing through their land
now have been connected to the scheme’’
, said Mr. Rwaheru Gilbert the
coordinator of Kicwamba forum for development and service delivery advocacy.
We thank all the development partners who support us to
improve service delivery for our people.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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