Leaders blamed for the under development of their communities

Our leaders can lobby for the development of our communities
or retard their development. As electorates we need to engage them and keep
them on pressure to make sure they have played their roles especially on what
they pledged during campaigns.‘’we need
to be responsible as citizens and fight for our communities if we are to realize
improved service delivery’’
, said Mr. Nyemera  Trevor the vice chairperson LC II Kiguma
parish, Bukuuku sub county in Kabarole district.

Trevor said these when he was hosted a long side David
Kugonza from Torodev on Jubilee radio on January 8th, 2017 to share
issues from his community on the weekly program ‘Listeners forum’ that is aired
live every Sunday 8:00pm-10:00pm.
We have many challenges affecting our people on health,
education, roads, water sector, electricity, agriculture & governance
issues and some leaders are just watching without innervation’s something that
has retarded development in the sub county. 
‘’Our road that
connects Kaboyo from Butebe is in a sorry state, Nyakitoojo bridge has made
transportation of people and goods  a big
challenge,  access to safe and clean
water in the sub county is another big challenge, there are no drugs in health
centers especially health center 11’s & 111’s like Kiguma, inadequate
staff, lack of electricity has weakened economic development in the area and
there are many presidential pledges not followed by our leaders yet it is under
their jurisdiction’’
, said Trevor Nyemera.

Patient Receiving Health Services

Trevor called upon  leaders at all levels to change their
attitudes and work to improve service delivery because if roads are made and
bridges, people will access markets for their produce hence boosting the
economy in the area and trade relations with neighbors, our people suffer a lot
especially women who may want to access maternal services, reaching the health
centers  becomes a challenge coupled with
lack of drugs & waiting in queues for the whole day due to inadequate
staffing in these health centers. The unemployed youth who would be starting up
small businesses continue being redundant because access to electricity which
would be helping them to start saloons is still a challenge. These businesses
once started can help to increase income levels at household level hence
reducing poverty in communities.

Patients Waiting for Health Services.
Listeners were given chance to participate live on the
program; ‘’the issue of stocking drugs in
health centers & inadequate staffing should be taken keenly by all leaders
at all levels if we are to improve the health sector as a country’’
said  Edward Mwesige  a caller from Bugaki in Kyenjojo district, ‘’we request the district chairperson to
support our area with safe & clean water because our children are suffering
a lot as well as us adults’’,
said Margret Kirabo a caller from Kiguma in
Kabarole district, ‘’the president
pledged water and electricity for people of Rwengaju parish in Busoro sub
county and it is over 8 years now, what are the leaders doing? Are they
following the issues or they are not in their plans? We need information on the
matter please’’,
said Sisoko a caller from Rwengaju in Kabarole district.
We take the pleasure to thank SIDA, NED, SPIDER, ICT4DEM, CIPESA & all other development
partners for the financial and technical support to run these programs.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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