Leaders called upon to improve on monitoring & supervision of the health sector.

The Uganda national roads authority (UNRA) health &
safety officer Mr. Kagaba Steven has called for a collective responsibility in
the monitoring of health centers in the country as the only way to improve
services in the health sector especially government programs/ projects. Mr Kagaba
who is also the former Kabarole district health educator (DHE) was hosted live
on KRC FM to discuss the existing health policies in Uganda. ToroDev in
partnership with KRC FM for the month of December, 2016 will be discussing
health as a sector and have identified experienced panelists to discuss the
selected topics and these panelists include; district health officer, district
health educator, community members, leaders at different levels, etc.
While discussing live on Torodev supported ‘Manya Ekiragiro
Kyawe’ program that is aired every Wednesday 8:00pm-10:00pm on  KRC FM, Mr. Kagaba said health management
committees have not done their roles as expected together with local leaders in
the district of effective monitoring of health centers in the country. On 7th
December, 2016 while in the studios Mr.Kagaba said, management committees
supervise drugs availability, access & use, monitors performance of workers
and also it is a responsibility of the leaders to see that citizens are getting
services whenever they access these health centers. He said once these play
their roles of monitoring & supervision, we are likely to see improvement
in the health sector. These together with other challenges like drug stock outs,
inadequate infrastructure, absenteeism of health workers, etc can be reduced if
duty bearers changed their attitudes towards positive development of the

Women waiting for health services at one of the health centers

He called upon health workers, leaders, and health management
committees to play their roles well to improve the sector. The VHT which is health
center 1 in Uganda, health center 11’s at every parish, health center 111’s at
sub county level are supposed to have in-charges whose work is to monitor the
drugs that have come in, how they are used, allocation of funds & how it is
being used and also are supposed to play a big role of treating minor illnesses
in order to avoid congesting referral hospitals.

The two hours
live radio discussion had participation of listeners through call-ins & Sms
platforms; ‘’our government health centers
have totally failed to perform because you can hardly access a service even of
minor illnesses like malaria, doctors are not there, nurses work when they
want, we are really challenged and not sure of how we are going to improve this
, said Omugurusi Augustine from Kanyambeho in Kabarole district, ‘’the district leadership should avail us
with a platform where we as community members will be reporting issues
happening in our health centers because we 
just see things happening and fail to get where to report, also
inspections are not regularly done which makes the services difficult for
citizens, please help us’’
, said Afande Omani a caller from Buhesi in
Kabarole district, ‘’when we visit VHT’s
we get drugs that have expired or about to expire, can responsible people look
into this issue to save people’s lives please’’
, said Julius Mugisa a
caller from Kihura in Kyenjojo district.
We are grateful
to all our partners SIDA, NED, SPIDER,
 for all kinds of support
that have kept our programs on air as we sensitize our citizens.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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