Local citizens of Mugusu Sub County advocate for better service delivery

On 12th May 2014, local citizens of Mugusu Sub
County in Kabarole District advocated for better service delivery from their
local leaders. This was during the public accountability meeting that was
organized by members of People’s Rights and Forum for Development (PRIFODE) an
advocacy forum group in Mugusu Sub County that is a community’s own initiated
initiative that is meant to sustainably monitor and advocate for improved
service delivery, and demand for accountability from the local leaders. 
During the accountability meeting, rural monitors were able to sensitize
the local citizens about the aims of the meeting. “This meeting is meant to
strengthen citizens with the ideas on how to monitor and demand for better
services, the duties of human rights defenders, duties of rural monitors in
development, among others. At least by the end of the meeting, leaders from
their respective offices and departments will be held accountable and citizens
will be able to raise their views and concerns”, said Mukwano Ssenyonjo, the
Chairperson of People’s Rights and Forum for Development.
Members of People’s Rights and Forum for Development
The meeting was attended by different leaders like the Sub
County Internal Security Organization (GISO) Mr. Kayondo Rodger, the Sub County
Chief Mr. Mwesige Michael, the Chairperson LC III Mr. Waako Christopher, the
Officer in Charge (OC) Mr. Musabe Milton, the Health Assistant Mr. Masereka
Patrick, among others who were able to give accountability and also respond to
people’s issues and concerns. 
The Sub County Health Assistant indicated how Mugusu Sub
County has a lot of challenges in the health sector and how they were laying
strategies to solve them. “Staff enrollment is still a challenge as compared to
the standard of staff selling, which has highly affected the maternity center
due to immediate transfers. Nurses also lack accommodation around the health
center which creates a problem of transport and time keeping. However, we previously
had poor arrangements of delivering drugs from National Medical Stores because
of wrong stock lists which had led to stock outs, but as I talk, this issue has
been solved and all drugs are now available at Mugusu Health Center III”. 
The Officer in Charge also participated in the accountability
meeting by sensitizing the local citizens about security issues. “Civil cases
are supposed to be reported to the local council 1 Chairpersons up to the court
magistrates, yet criminal cases are reported to police. The police is not
supposed to be bribed by any amount of money in any particular case reported to
it and any local citizen who falls victim of this should approach the
responsible officers for help like the Officer in Charge, the Resident District
Commissioner, among others. Local citizens should also know that they are not
supposed to pay for police bond”.
Local listeners were also able to
raise their issues and concerns to the local leaders. “Proper service delivery
has failed due to the too much corruption among the leaders and civil servants”,
said Karamagi Job, “We need an audit report for the Sub County SACCO”, said
Kyamanywa Richard, “Some of the leaders don’t know their responsibilities in
service delivery”, said Kasiita Fred, “Some contractors are paid before even completing
the work (shadow work)”, said Kabyanga David, “Poor flow of information from
the local leaders has hindered service delivery”, said Kayondo Rodger, “The
rampant unemployment in the Sub County has caused a lot of crimes among the
youths and many of them to resort to gambling activities, smoking marijuana and
playing pool tables as early as 7:00am”, said Kusemererwa Vincent. 
The accountability meetings are supported by NED,
SPIDER/Stockholm University and SIDA/CIPESA on a project aimed at using both
physical and online platforms like accountability meetings, radio and social
media to improve the participation of marginalized population groups of rural
youth and women in governance in the Rwenzori Region, Western Uganda.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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