Long distances contributing to children’s failure to complete Primary Level Education

Hapuyo sub county in Kyegegwa district has one government
aided secondary school (Hapuyo seed school) and around 13 primary schools. The
education standards have not been at a tune of what we may call improved
service delivery the fact that there are challenges associated with achieving
this. According to the Community development officer for Hapuyo sub county Ms
Kasembo Jennifer, dropout rate is high in the sub county.
Ms Kasembo while speaking on the rural radio magazine
segment on 16th September 2015 at her office in Hapuyo said, ‘’ when you take an example of Kyanyambale
primary school in Hapuyo sub county, 50 girls & 52 boys registered for
primary seven this year (2015) but only 13 girls and 19 boys have registered
for primary living examinations that start October this year. You can see that
the dropout rate especially for girls is very high’’
, said Ms Kasembo Jennifer
the community development officer for Hapuyo Sub County.
Walking Long distances
by pupils about 30 kilometers per day has contributed to increased rate of
school dropout, domestic violence which make children fail to attend school and
also failing to concentrate while in class, negative attitude towards education
by parents & children and failure by parents to play their role in
providing for the needs of their children especially scholastic materials have
all contributed to the education situation in Hapuyo sub county
, said Ms
Kasembo Jennifer.
Much as the district local government has tried to construct
classrooms at some schools, Magoma primary school which has a population of
around 600 pupils still lack classrooms having only 3 blocks which can not
contain the congestion in classrooms and in Kyanyambali primary school which
has a population of 802 pupils, there are only 13 teachers making a ratio of
pupil to teacher at 62:1 which is against the national education minimum
standards ratio of 45:1.
Meanwhile the Hapuyo sub county health assistant Mr.
Bwambale Albert said, as a sub county we
still have a challenge on teaching the community the importance of hand washing
which stands at 26% in the subcounty and yet most diseases that affect people
originate from our homes. Hapuyo Sub County which has a population of over
thirty people (30.000) has one health centre (health centre 111) and patients
walk long distances coming for health services. People get information
especially on hand wash but they immediately forget, we need to engage our
health team more if we are to achieve on hygiene & sanitation in homes
Said Mr. Bwambale Albert the health assistant of Hapuyo Sub County in Kyegegwa
As a community
member, we have a problem of water where some water sources dry up during dry
seasons & sometimes the water is not safe for human use, we request our
leaders to extend the gravity flow scheme to our villages. Our children walk
long distances to go to school and to our disappointment teachers absenteeism
is high, sometimes they come late & do not concentrate in class to help our
children learn,’’
said Ms Kasapuli Yusta a community member from Mbara
village, Hapuyo sub county in Kyegegwa district.
The rural
radio magazine segment was amplified on Jubilee radio on 20th
September 2015, during the Listeners’ program that is aired live every Saturday
8:00pm-10:00pm on Jubilee radio a local radio station in Fort portal, Kabarole

We are grateful to our partners for the financial &
technical support in advocating for improved services to our people in
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Ben Chilwell

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