Mentors use radio to help local citizens engage with their leaders for improved service delivery

ToroDev has been highly involved in building the capacities
of radio journalists for improved public accountability broadcasting because of
its importance in enabling the local citizens access and share information for
improved service delivery monitoring and improving accountability. Mentors
trained by ToroDev have highly been involved in mobilizing the local citizens
to engage their local leaders for improved service delivery through virtual
platforms in form of talk shows and rural radio debates.
Radio programs hosted by mentors have empowered local
citizens with information and knowledge to demand public accountability and
democratic engagement processes in the Rwenzori Region districts. “We have used
radio programs as a plat form to bring marginalized population groups (women
and youths) lobby for improved and timely public service delivery from their
political and local leaders, and the civil society”, said Lubega Elly, a Mentor
at Kyenjojo FM in Kyenjojo District.
Rwenzori journalists during a mentorship training with ToroDev
Mentors have also created a platform for both local and
political leaders to give accountability to the local citizens who are the
primary consumers of the public services. “During the demonstration by the
local people in Kicwamba Sub County against the poor roads that were
destroyed  by the heavy trucks that carry
pozzolana, the District Officers of Kabarole came out and gave accountability
on how they spend money obtained from the mineral”, said Tusiime Francis, a mentor
at Voice of Toro In Kabarole District.
Meanwhile, mentors have also gone ahead to use rural radio
debates as a way of getting evidence based information from reliable sources especially
on issues regarding accountability and service delivery. “I have conducted
rural radio debates in places like Rwentuha and Kakabara Sub Counties in
Kyegegwa District, Bufunjo and Katooke Sub Counties in Kyenjojo District and
Kiguma Parish in Kabarole District. This has helped me to broadcast proper
researched information through getting ground information and voices of people
out crying for better services”, said Mukonyezi Wilfred, a mentor at Better FM
in Kabarole District and also a moderator of the Listeners’ Forum, a radio
program that is sponsored by ToroDev.
ICT tools especially the use of FM radios has also helped
mentors to bridge the gap between local leaders and the local people and also
citizen participation in governance. “As mentors, we have used FM radio to
bridge the gap between leaders and the local people through hosting local
leaders on talk shows to give accountability and allowing local listeners to
call in and raise their issues and concerns”, said Tumwine Haward, a mentor at
UBC Radio in Bundibugyo District.
However, there is need for more support for mentors to
continuously keep engaging local leaders and also share information regarding
accountability in the media through providing them with transport facilitation
to reach out the community and pick people’s issues, recording gadgets like
cameras and recorders, and also computers for information sharing and evidence
based information.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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