“Modern education was not born in Africa”, Kenneth Bajenja

On 19th July 2014, Mr. Kenneth Bajenja, a local
citizen of Hakibaale Sub County in Kabarole District indicated how the present modern
education was not born in Africa. “Modern education was not born in Africa, it
was introduced by colonialists through the Christian Missionaries in 1877. Uganda
was under colonial dictatorship from 1894 – 1962, and it was during this time
that modern education was introduced, which was modeled to fit in the interests
of the colonialists”. The local citizen was discussing on
ToroDev’s supported live radio discussion called ‘Orukurato Program’, a two
hour weekly program that discusses issues of accountability every Saturday
(08:00 – 10:00) pm on HITS FM.
The live radio discussion was also attended by
Mss Basemera Nesta  a senior teacher, Mr.
Businge John, a lecturer, and Mr. Rwamuhumbu Davis, all from Kabarole District. 

Jessica Alupo, Uganda’s Minister of Education & Sports
During the program, Mr. Davis highlighted
the major issues under the education sector. “The education sector has three
major issues which include school drop outs at primary level, secondary level
and university level. Basing on the UNESCO Research 2013, 71% of Ugandan
children don’t finish primary level of which 65% are girls. This has highly
been caused by the poor culture and the poor education system that is aided by
the government”.
Mr. Businge also participated in the live
radio discussion by indicating how lack of funds has highly caused school dropout.
“The main issue causing school dropout is lack of school fees. The education
system is so expensive most especially at university level yet both parents and
the government have no funds. There are also other activities like child
labour, betting, peer pressure and gambling activities that are causing school
drop outs”.
Meanwhile, Mss Basemera indicated how the
poor attitude towards education by the local citizens is also affecting the
education sector. “Local citizens are passive learners and their attitude towards
learning is very low. That is why they fail to even incur a few school related costs
like books, pens, uniforms, among others for their children. The International
Research Committee’s report 2013 shows that 52% of school dropout in Northern Uganda
is caused by school related costs. People therefore need to be motivated through
sensitizing them on the use of education”.
Local listeners also participated in the
live radio discussion through call ins and using the SMS plat form to raise
their issues and concerns. “Many dilapidated schools in villages are affecting
the education system. These schools are mainly holding children of the poor”,
said Kyomuhendo from Fort Portal Municipality, “The government system itself is
letting the education system down. Nyakatoma Primary School in Kyenjojo
District has only two teachers yet with seven classes”, said Kaija Pasco, “Lack
of funds and child labour are the most issues causing school drop outs”, said
Kasaija Adolf, “Government aided schools have ruined education because of their
poor performance”, said Bright.
The live radio discussion was moderated by Mr. Kasigazi Willy Donanto and is supported by SIDA/CIPESA and SPIDER/Stockholm
University on a project aimed at using appropriate ICT tools to promote
democratic engagement in the Rwenzori Region, Western Uganda. 
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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