On 27th April 2016, ToroDev M&E team Held an Evaluation Talk show on KRC Fm

For the last 10 months ToroDev
has been  partnering with  KRC FM,
Manya Ekiragiro Kyawe program  every
Wednesday from (08:00Pm to 10:00Pm ) with an aim of  using radio talkshows
for  public accountability for improved service delivery in Rwenzori
Region Western Uganda under  SIDA,
and , Indigo trust NED Projects  and Supporting a democratic space to improve
public service delivery through 2015/2016 general elections in Uganda under NED
For ToroDev program to
plan for the next four months the evaluation talkshow had to be held, to
effectively collect and analyze information from the listeners about a
program’s activities, outcomes, challenges, and solutions to the challenges and
way forward. The main purpose of the evaluation was to help to make judgments
about a program, to improve its effectiveness, and/or to inform programming
decisions. The evaluation talkshow was attended by Sheila Amanya M&E
Officer and David Kugonza documentation and communication officer ToroDev and
moderated by Kaahwa Kansengerwa Abooki.  
ToroDev staff  during an Evaluation Talkshow
“As ToroDev’ programming
team we are holding this evaluation talkshow to plan with our listeners, to
know what they want to hear in the next four months, to know which leaders they
want to engage in the radio debate, and to have exchange
of information between all stakeholders and ToroDev team to help us
determine plans, needs, challenges, changes and future plans that help in demonstrating
the program’s successes or progress.
” Said Sheila Amanya
M&E Officer ToroDev.
added guiding questions were given to the listeners to help in getting the
necessary information these included; What
predicted and unpredicted impacts has the program had to you listeners since
2015?, Are
the radio talkshows making a difference in your community?,  Which kind of issues do you want us to discuss,  Which people do you want us to host?, Is
the time we use to run the talk show enough to air out people’s concerns? , How can we improve women’s participation? etc
The one and a half hours were given
to callers to call in and send in SMS to share their issues that can help us
plan for the next four months as ToroDev holds radio talk shows for improved
accountability and service delivery. Over 30 listeners from Kyenjojo, Kabarole,
Kyegegwa, Ntoroko, Bundibugyo districts participated through calling-in out of
30 callers who called in 6 were women.
Kaahwa Kansengerwa the moderator of ‘Manya Ekiragiro Kyawe’ on  KRC FM
These talkshows have wakened the sleeping leaders
because they hint on those who are inactive and they come back to their senses”.
Said Scovia from Harukoto, Kabarole district
during the evaluation talkshow on KRC Fm
“We are courageous and brave enough
, to face any leader whenever we want to ask them for accountability, we are
now sensitized due to these talkshows thanks to Torodev for the development and
educative programs”.
Said Shafic a caller from Kyenjojo
district during the evaluation talkshow on KRC Fm
Local leaders of all levels have
been hosted and we have heard them give accountability and we also participate
in these debates, so they have been a very good platform to engage leaders in
lively debates”. Said Annet a caller from Kyenjojo district
“We appreciate ToroDev for sponsoring the talkshows;
they have done us great to keep shaking our leaders. The talk shows have
awakened the inactive leaders to check themselves and start working
”. Said Friday Swibu a caller from Kigarare , Kyenjojo
districts during the evaluation talkshow on KRC 
The construction of
the road is going on in Harugongo Sub County I believe due to the efforts of
radio talkshows, because these issues have been discussed on many talkshows”.
Said Chris a caller from Harugongo in, Kabarole District, during the
evaluation talkshow
of all levels from LCI- , LCIII, LCV, MPS and even the President should be
hosted in the next talkshows to present their work plans to us who voted them,
this will help us to task them after 2 years
”. Said Stanley a caller from
Kabarole district.  
 ToroDev should continue injecting more money
in these talkshows because the radio
talkshows have empowered us local citizens with information and knowledge to
know how to demand public accountability for improved service delivery from the
leaders we elected, this has enabled us to keep monitoring on the leaders
Said Tusime from Mugusu, Kabarole district.
The live   radio programs are proudly sponsored by

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Ben Chilwell

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