“Our main objective is to sensitize people”, Mugume Amos

On 18th May 2014, the Production and Marketing
Officer of Kabarole District Mr. Mugume Amos indicated how the local leaders had
set ways of sensitizing people to fight against poverty. “Kabarole District has
set different ways of fighting poverty. One of them is through trade shows
where people are sensitized on using small income to make investments that can
rip big harvests. Therefore, Kabarole District in partnership with CABS
(Community Agro Business Capacity Services) have organized another agricultural
trade show that will bring famers together to share skills and knowledge”. The
panelist was discussing on ToroDev’s supported radio discussion on Better FM
called the ‘Listeners Forum’ a 2hr radio program that discusses issues of
accountability every Sunday (8:00-10:00pm).
Hon Amelia Kyambadde, Uganda’s Minister for Trade
The live radio discussion was also attended by Mr. Perez
Mwebesa, the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer, Kabarole District and Mr.
Malsera Kasukali, the Executive Director, Community Agro Business Capacity
During the program, Mr. Kasukali appealed to the farmers to
attend the trade show so as to market their products. “We are expecting participants
from districts like Ntoroko, Kasese, Kyenjojo, Kyegegwa, Kamwenge, Bundibugyo,
among others. These participants will include local citizens who are in
different entities of agriculture like farmers, cattle keepers, fisher men,
among others. Participants will be able to market their products through
meeting their buyers and sharing contacts. This will help them to create a
relationship with their buyers. Participants will also get information about
better agricultural skills, know competitors and also lay strategies to fit in
the competing world”.
Meanwhile, Mr. Perez indicated how the trade show was going
to help Kabarole District Local Government. “As a district, the agricultural
trade show will help us to know what has been done in the district and also
realize the potential of what has not yet been done. It will also create a
relationship between farmers and the service providers like NGOs (Non
Government Organizations). Kabarole district farmers will also acquire skills
of agro processing of their products which will improve our
yields/output as a district”.  
Local citizens also participated in the live radio
discussion through call ins to raise their issues and concerns. “Can I get a
machine for processing tomatoes in the trade show?” asked Aliganyira George,
“As farmers of Karugutu Town Council, we also need to attend the trade show”,
said Robert from Karugutu Town Council in Ntoroko District, “Grafting should
also be sensitized during the trade show”, said Edward from Rubirizi District,
“Is the trade show for groups or individuals?” asked Mbaga Saidi from Kamwenge
The live radio discussion was moderated by Mr. Mukonyezi
Wilfred and is supported by NED, SIDA/CIPESA on a project aimed at using radio
and social media to improve service delivery and accountability in the
Rwenzori Region, Western Uganda.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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