“Our roads are constructed locally because of the little funds allocated to our Sub County”, Hon Byokufa Musitofa

The Chairperson LC III of Katebwa Sub County Mr. Byokufa
Mustofa has indicated how roads in Katebwa Sub County are constructed locally
because of the little funds allocated to the Sub County. “Our roads are
constructed locally because Katebwa Sub County receives little funds from the
local government. This has created a lot of transport limitations to the local
citizens since many of the bridges like Nsongya Bridge have failed to be
constructed after being washed away by the heavy rains in April last year”. The
Chairperson indicated this on May 8th 2014 during the accountability
meeting that was organized by members of Katebwa Advocacy Forum in Katebwa Sub
County, under the support of ToroDev.
Members of Katebwa Advocacy Forum
The accountability meeting was also attended by the area Sub
County Chief Mr. Kimanyweda Adoniah, the Sub County NAADS coordinator
representative Mr. Kule Elisha, the Sub County Health representative Miss
Musoki Perpetra, Mr. Kahwa Daniel the Sub County Education representative and
Mr. Mugisa David from Kabarole Research and Resource Center. ToroDev was
represented by Miss Shilla Amanya, the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer. A
total number of 176 (one hundred and seventy six) youths and women attended the
meeting and were able to raise their issues, concerns and also demand for accountability from their local
During the meeting, Mr. Kule indicated the performance of
the NAADS sector in the Sub County. “Every year, Katebwa Sub County gives support
to farmers who are in groups through the NAADS program. One goat and three
basins of irish potatoes are given to groups of food security farmers, five
goats are given to market oriented farmers, and each parish receives a heifer
to give to commercial farmers. Other equipment like cereals such as cow peas,
cassava and coffee, pigs, as well as bee hives are also given out to farmers
who are in registered groups accordingly”.
Mr. Kahwa also appealed to the parents to send their children
to school rather than leaving them at home. “As parents, we should support
government programs by sending our children to school and contributing towards
the funding of the programs. We should not leave every responsibility to the government
but also perform our role as parents by providing scholastic materials like
books, pens, uniforms, and also packing food for our children”.
Meanwhile, Hon Byokufa further gave accountability of what
he has achieved for Katebwa Sub County. “We have opened up Mutumba Road, constructed
Kyamukube – Bugaya road as well as Nyakigumba – Kitumba market road, renovated
Kibate Health Center II, constructed shallow wells at Ibembiro, Mitandi and
Bunaiga parishes, supplied twenty four desks to Bukara and Mutumba Primary
Schools, provided moveable latrines at Kitumba market and Mabwe Trading
Centers, built two class rooms and a store at Karugaya Secondary School, among
The accountability meetings are supported by NED,
SPIDER/Stockholm University and SIDA/CIPESA on a project aimed at using both
physical and online platforms like accountability meetings, radio and social
media to improve the participation of marginalized population groups of rural
youth and women in governance in the Rwenzori Region, Western Uganda.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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