“Performance of Katooke Secondary School is poor yet the school has good facilities” Sunday Tailor

On 10th November 2013, Sunday Tailor a local
citizen of Katooke Town Council in Katooke Sub County, Kyenjojo District
appeared on Better FM to talk about the poor performance of Katooke Secondary
School. “Katooke Secondary School has good facilities like a well-equipped science
laboratory and also enough constructions. However, the school performs poorly due
to internal challenges like lack of enough teachers, absence of a head teacher,
misunderstandings between the teachers and lack of control by the school
management over the students”
The local citizen was discussing on ToroDev supported live
radio discussion on Better FM called “The Listeners Forum”. The two hour radio
program discusses issues of accountability every Sunday (8:00 – 10:00pm).
Other panelists who participated in the live radio discussion
included Hon Musa Swaibu ,the Mayor Kyegegwa Town Council, Mr. Ndabitunga, the Chairperson
of Forum for Rights and Development in Bukuuku Sub County, Kabarole District
and Mwesige Housein the Senior Town Clerk Kyegegwa District.
The Listeners’ Forum Face Book Page
During the discussion, Hon. Musa Swaibu was able to give
accountability concerning Kyegegwa District to the local people. “In our budget
2013-2014, we received 440 (four hundred and forty) million shillings and
allocated 72(seventy two) million to roads, 71(seventy one) million to NAADS, 6(six)
million to Community Service, 4(four) million to community Drive Development
and 140 million to public health.”
Meanwhile, Hon Mwesige Housein discussed the four major
issues that are being emphasized by the local leaders to check development in
the District. “As local leaders, we are putting much emphasis in sensitizing
the community through forming village education committees, sensitizing the
community on health and sanitation, solving the local people’s issues over land
disputes through making people get land titles and implementing government
Local listeners were also able to participate in the live radio
discussion through the programs face book page called the ‘Listeners Forum’. “Our
local leaders should also appear on radio because we have a lot of issues”,
said Tugume from Kyenjojo, “It is very important to see leaders give
accountability”, said Oscar from Ibanda, “We thank ToroDev for bringing leaders
on board. Most leaders fear to come on radio for fear of being asked accountability
issues”, said Abel Lubega Amooti.
The Live radio discussion was moderated by Mr. Mukonyezi
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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