Politicians investing money to win elections

The panelists during the radio talkshow.

On 8th February 2015, Mr. Muntu K Willy district
speaker from Ntoroko district and Mr Mwanguhya Kenneth a responsible citizen
from Hakibale Committed Citizen for
Better service, Kabarole
district were among the panelists who appeared on better FM to discuss the
issue of politicians buying people’ votes during the campaigns to win

who bribe people with money during campaigns fall in this say “USING MONEY
TO GET MORE MONEY”. They think that if they are elected they will in 5 years
of being  in power will be able to harvest
more money to pay back the money spent buying people’ votes such politicians don’t
  provide any improved services to people
we need to learn a lesson from what we have seen so far
Said Muntu Willy from Ntoroko district.

“We are having poor
services in health, education, roads and others sectors because voters vote
according to who is rich and with much money and the potential, knowledgeable,
talented and capable leaders who have no money are always with the least votes
during the elections this is a big problem, in Uganda without money you can be
a voted. Today Voters think that a politician with much money is a good leader
to represent people at the district, in the parliament and other political seats forgetting that politicians who have money
will always want to make more money for themselves, so when they are elected
they mind about making more money for themselves but not to deliver service
people.”Mwaguhya Kenneth of Hakibale Committed Citizen for Better service,
Kabarole district. 
Non Government organizations, have a big role to play to sensitize local
citizen on how to vote wisely, local radio stations should teach people who are
not knowledgeable about who a good leader is, why people have to vote wisely?,
how local citizens can avoid leaders who come with money to buy their votes?,
we need to love our country and refuse to vote leaders who come with money to
buy votes and when local citizens are sensitized we shall have better
leadership in future and we shall have somehow improved services if we know
what we want from the politicians we vote to represent us at any level ”. Said
Kyaligoza a caller from Nyabuharwa, Kyenjojo District. 
“Voters I kindly
request you not to accept any money or basic needs from leaders who come to buy
your vote during the election period, a capable leaders who is willing to serve
his or her people and deliver better services cannot give out money to buy a
vote and confuse the voter. A leader who buys a vote proves that he is just
after making more money when he is elected, after the elections and he/she will
just go to office to bring back the money he/she spent to buy the votes and he
will never deliver any service to people that voted”. Said Peter a caller from
Kasese district.

During the live radio discussion over 15 local
citizens called in to give in their , opinions , views, perceptive with reference to the topic being discussed about the experience they have gone through during the election
campaign process. 
The  live radio discussions are supported by
SIDA/CIPESA and NED on a project aimed at converging appropriate ICT tools to
improve service delivery in the Rwenzori Region.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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