“Radio programs have awakened local leaders” Muhango Daniel

On 27th October 2013, the District Councilor of
Rwentuha Sub County in Kyegegwa District indicated how radio programs have awakened
local leaders to provide better services to the community. “I thank radio
programs that have done a great work in awakening leaders to provide better
services to the local community. People have got better roads, water, health
centers and schools through these radio programs”. The councilor was discussing
on ToroDev supported live radio discussion on Better FM called “The Listeners
Forum” on 27th October 2013. The 2 hour weekly radio program
discusses issues of accountability every Sunday (08:00 – 10:00pm).
The councilor went ahead to indicated the status of service
delivery in Kyegegwa District. “Kasule, Kakabara and Hapuyo Sub Counties have got
water. But, Rwentuha, Ruyonza and Kyegegwa Town Council have a low percentage
of water that ranges from 16 – 17%. Roads are still so poor because they are
constructed badly, such roads include Kamwenge – Mpara road and
Migongwe-Kakabara-Rwentuha road”.
Mpara road in Kyegegwa District during its construction
Other panelists who discussed in the live radio discussion
included Yahaya Bakari, a local citizen from Karugutu Town Council in Ntoroko
District, Adruf Asiimwe a local listener from Kyabaranga Sub County in Kyenjojo
District and Rwaheru Gilbert, the coordinator of Kicwamba Forum for Development
and Service Delivery in Kicwamba Sub County, Kabarole District.
Mr. Yahaya Bakari discussed how corruption among the local leaders
of Ntoroko District had affected service delivery. “The office of the Public
Service Commission is so corrupt, jobs at the district are only reserved for
the rich who have the money to pay for the available vacancies. There is also misuse of
public funds by the District Chairperson LC V who is never in his office and who does not also attend our accountability meetings when called upon, he only
turns up when the meetings are ending”.
Yahaya also highlighted how the local leaders in Ntoroko
District do not deliver people’s priority needs. “The NAADS program has
guidelines but the NAADS personals do not follow them, Community Based
Facilitators (CBF) are used to procure NAADS equipment yet they don’t
have enough experience. The local people asked for goats but they were forced
coffee and cotton which was not their priority”.
The Listeners Forum Live radio discussion was moderated by
Mr. Mukonyezi Wilfred.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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