Accountability radio talk shows supported by ToroDev on
Better and HITS FM stations have improved service delivery especially in the
roads sector in Katooke Sub County, Kyenjojo District. During the participation
of advocacy forums on the radio talk shows, members of Katooke Advocacy Forum
appealed to their local leaders to work on Katooke- Kyenjojo road that was in a
poor state.
Better and HITS FM stations have improved service delivery especially in the
roads sector in Katooke Sub County, Kyenjojo District. During the participation
of advocacy forums on the radio talk shows, members of Katooke Advocacy Forum
appealed to their local leaders to work on Katooke- Kyenjojo road that was in a
poor state.
road has been constructed after a long struggle from the rural monitors on
radio talk shows appealing to the local leaders to work on the road.
Construction started in August and is now complete. The local people are very
happy about the radio talk shows that have engaged leaders to intervene peoples
issues that are raised on radio”, said Birungi Mary, a member of Katooke
Advocacy Forum in Katooke Sub County, Kyenjojo District.
road has been constructed after a long struggle from the rural monitors on
radio talk shows appealing to the local leaders to work on the road.
Construction started in August and is now complete. The local people are very
happy about the radio talk shows that have engaged leaders to intervene peoples
issues that are raised on radio”, said Birungi Mary, a member of Katooke
Advocacy Forum in Katooke Sub County, Kyenjojo District.
Birungi also expressed how the radio programs have helped to
raise the voices of the voiceless local people. “Radio discussions on local
radio stations have played a bigger role in raising the voices of the voiceless
local people. The radio discussions have engaged local leaders to give
accountability concerning their various offices. Local listeners have also
participated in the radio discussions through call INS to raise their issues
and demand for better service delivery from their local leaders”.
raise the voices of the voiceless local people. “Radio discussions on local
radio stations have played a bigger role in raising the voices of the voiceless
local people. The radio discussions have engaged local leaders to give
accountability concerning their various offices. Local listeners have also
participated in the radio discussions through call INS to raise their issues
and demand for better service delivery from their local leaders”.
Orukurato program and the Listener’s Forum Program are 2
hour radio talk shows supported by ToroDev that run every week from 08:00-10:00pm
and broadcasts issues of accountability. Orukurato Program is moderated by Mr.
Willy Donanto on HITS FM every Saturday and the Listeners Forum is moderated by
Mr. Mukonyezi Wilfred on Better FM every Sunday.
hour radio talk shows supported by ToroDev that run every week from 08:00-10:00pm
and broadcasts issues of accountability. Orukurato Program is moderated by Mr.
Willy Donanto on HITS FM every Saturday and the Listeners Forum is moderated by
Mr. Mukonyezi Wilfred on Better FM every Sunday.