Report by Bufunjo People’s Forum on service delivery monitoring

Bufunjo Peoples Forum is a youth
advocacy forum in Bufunjo Sub County, Kyenjojo district initiated by the local
citizens with support from ToroDev in 2012. The advocacy forum which has been
at the forefront in ensuring accountability by the local leaders, monitoring
service delivery and ensuring local citizens participation in local government
planning and budgeting processes using the most appropriate ICT tools like FM
radio stations and mobile phones.

Meeting of the advocacy forum members and ToroDev staff 
Below is the report on their priority service
delivery monitoring submitted to ToroDev in March, 2013?

1.     WORKS
the sector of works, Bufunjo as whole has a poor road network for all access
road leading in and out of the sub county. Our biggest concern was on;
 Kahombo River that had submerged and blocked
the road which resulted into the destruction of the bridge.
 Kifuka-Mbale, Kataraza road that had a
conflict in its tendering processes, which the district had kept a deaf ear on.
We are happy to report
that out of the forum’s effort and voices through a listeners voice radio program
on better FM, all the two issues have at least been partly handled as follows;
Kahombo Bridge there were a lot of pits that were left by the running waters
during the flooding period which could not enable vehicles to cross loading, but
the UNRA Fort Portal branch poured marrum that filled up the pits. Now Lorries
can cross without first off loading. The government has also promised to
re-construct and will be raised higher than it is today
Kataraza road was re-contracted and construction is ongoing. And it is promised
that this is going to be a first class marrum road.
2.     HEALTH
ToroDev Staff meeting the lab attendant of Bufunjo health center III
By the time
we raised concerns over the health state in Bufunjo Sub County, we had the
following priority key areas to address;
of enough health workers at the only health Centre in Bufunjo with a population
of over 32,000 people.
construction of health Centre II in Kataraza
presidential pledge for supporting Kanyegaramire Health Centre III
wards at Bufunjo health Centre III.
Am also happy to report
that in this sector the forum has registered some achievements for at least all
the areas of concern as follows;
has been increased by 100% compared to the number of staff (6) we found at the
centre by the time of raising our concern in November, 2012 and the time we
visited the health centre on 13/03/2013 to evaluate the impact of the forum’s
work where we found 12 staff out of the required 26 staff according to Mr.
Kasaija Chance, a lab attendant.
is underway to complete the staff house at Kataraza Health Centre II so that it
can be operational according to the sub county chief Bufunjo.
the un followed up health Centre III presidential pledge for Kanyegaramire, a
follow up team was constituted by Bufunjo sub county council and it is headed
by Mr. Kajura Selvest – parish councilor, Kitega.
In education,
our major concern was on BUFUNJO Seed Secondary School where students of S.2
& S.3 last year were cut off from USE sponsorship and the construction of the
school was on halt without clear communication and reasons for the halt.
A tremendous achievement
has been realized on these two issues where by the students were re-instated on
the USE program and the contract for Bufunjo Secondary was re-contracted to Pekasa

4.     MICRO
We had a
problem with Bufunjo SACCO and Bufunjo SIDA SACCO where by these two closed
without informing their members of what had gone wrong.
According to the current
state these SACCOs they all re-opened and started operating though still with a
number of challenges and constrain. Our achievement as a forum on this is that
they became operational and people can have where to lodge their queries and
We have
largely came to all these achievements as a result of the continued support
from Tooro development network especially through sponsored radio programs and
training in on-line advocacy that have popularized our work and given basis for
trust by the community to express their concerns. We are indeed grateful
because we are doubtful whether we would have reached this level if it was not
your support. We pray that the same spirit continues to unite us for a noble

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