Role of media in monitoring service delivery and demanding accountability from the local leaders.

The Member of Parliament of Burahya Sub County Kabarole
District, Hon Steven Kagwera and Mrs. Silvia Rwabwogo, a journalist and LCV
Councilor of East Division, Kabarole District appeared on HITS FM on 7th
September 2013 with Mr. Rwaheru Gilbert, a local citizen to discuss the role of
media in monitoring service delivery and demanding public accountability from
the local leaders. 
“The government has four arms. Executive, parliament,
judiciary and media. The media acts as a voice of the local people and raises
people’s issues to the government. The media also provides information to the
local people concerning the government programs through the use of radios,
newspapers, internet, among others”, said Mrs. Silvia Rwabwogo, a journalist
and LCV Councilor of East Division, Kabarole District.
During the program, Mr. Steven Kagwera indicated the use of
an informed society. “Information brings power and power is wealth. People need
to be informed so that they understand government programs”.

Members of Rwenzori Journalist Forum during a mentorship training with ToroDev

Hon Kagwera went ahead to question journalists who spread
wrong information that misleads people. “Some journalists spread wrong
information that misleads people. Radios are very sensitive tools that can
cause havoc in the community if used badly. Journalists should not side line
with any political side or be corrupt but speak objectives where they lie. The
roles of the government and journalists are complementary for proper service
delivery. If there is no media, the government may perform badly without check
or balance. An example is the corrupt and dormant leaders who improve after
being exposed by the media”.

Mr. Rwaheru Gilbert a local citizen and Chairman of Kicwamba
Forum for Development and Service Delivery thanked ToroDev for bringing information
close to the local people through sponsoring programs like the Listeners’ Forum.
“I thank ToroDev for sponsoring this program which has helped our local people
to be informed through sharing issues of service delivery and accountability by
the local leaders and citizens”.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Silvia Rwabwogo, a journalist and LCV
Councilor of East Division, Kabarole District listed some of the different
challenges that are faced by journalists. “Most radio stations are commercialized
forcing journalists to perform some programs that are not innovative to the community
like programs of witch doctors which most listeners oppose. Also, other
journalists work in hazardous places which are affected by earth quakes and
wars yet their lives are not insured”.
The live Orukurato Program which broadcasts issues of accountability was moderated by Mr.
Kasigazi Willy Donanto and is supported by Toro Development Network (ToroDev).
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Ben Chilwell

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