Rubona Sub county Chairperson calls for improved supervision of Government Projects

Hon. Musinguzi Peter the district chairperson representing
Rubona subcounty & Rubona town council who also doubles as secretary for
finance at Kabarole district local government has urged duty bearers  to improve on supervision of government
projects if we are to get quality services in our communities.
He said government projects especially at sub county level
are not fully supervised due to lack of enough funds and also proper planning
which leads to sub standard or shoddy work done. ‘’I call upon citizens to develop positive attitude towards supervision
of these projects that are being implemented in their areas & to develop a
sense of ownership if our communities are to improve in terms of service
, said Hon. Musinguzi Peter.
While appearing live on ToroDev sponsored ‘Orukurato’
program on 14th December, 2016 on a weekly program that is aired
live every Saturday 8:00pm-10:00pm on HITS FM, the district water engineer Mr.
Mugabe Pius, his assistant Mr. Mugabe Nathan & the secretary for finance
said the district has received 250 million shillings for road fund and expect
267 million shillings and priority will be given to road development in town
Hon. Musinguzi called upon the youth to organize themselves in
groups to benefit from the youth livelihood program which is remaining with a
year to close. He reminded the youth on the objectives of the program like
fighting poverty, unemployment and skilling the youth in a number of sectors.
As a district we have received funding from French
development agency to extend electricity to our people and areas of Rubona,
Mukabata, Kitebi, Buhesi, Katebwa, Rwimi towncouncil and other surrounding places
will benefit from a project that has reached procurement process, said Engineer
Mugabe Pius.
On water sector the district engineer and his assistant said
there is an on-going water project covering areas of Rwaihamba and tanks have
been secured for reservoirs and within a period of three months from now people
in these areas will be accessing piped water. Karago town council design is
complete and now we are planning to set up a water system to help our people
with issues of safe and clean water.

Citizens are entitled to safe & clean water 
 During the 2 hours live
discussion, listeners participated through call-ins; ‘’we really need the water in our areas because we are now
approaching dry spells and it is normally worse accessing water, let the
district officials help and speed up the process’’
, said Ms Katusiime a
caller from Karago, ‘’we have not had
water for the last two weeks, can the district engineer tell us what the
problem is and how are they prepared to help us solve this water issue?’’
said Phiona Amanyire, a caller from Kasunganyanja in Bunyangabu county Kabarole
We thank all our partners; SIDA , NED, SPIDER, ICT4DEM, CIPESA & Hits Fm for the financial
& technical support to run these programs live on air.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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