Rural monitors continue to advocate for better services

ToroDev trained 120 rural monitors
since August 2012 in online advocacy, monitoring service delivery using on line
social media/ICT tools like Ushahidi plat form for online documentation,
visualization and mapping. Rural monitors have continued to advocate for better
services, through monitoring service delivery in their Sub Counties and
demanding for public accountability from their local leaders. 
Members of Bufunjo People’s Forum

Rural monitors have engaged local
citizens in monitoring services and demanding accountability from the local
leaders. “Our main objective as members of Bufunjo People’s Forum is to monitor
service delivery provided by the government. This includes monitoring whether hospitals
have enough medicines, if schools are performing well, if roads are worked on,
and then we hold our leaders accountable. We also talk to leaders and forward
to them issues that have been raised by the community”, said Tibeeha John
Bosco, the Chairperson of Bufunjo People’s Forum in Bufunjo Sub County,
Kyenjojo District.

Advocacy forums have
continued to hold monthly meetings to plan, update and encourage fellow
forum members on how to actively use both physical meetings and ICT tools to
advocate for improved service delivery. “Advocacy forum members are always motivated,
mentored and encouraged through phone calls, Skype and physical meetings to
keep using online/virtual
platform for documentation and advocacy on people’s demands for improved
service delivery in the seven districts of the Rwenzori region”. Said Amanya Sheilla, ToroDev.

Members of People’s Rights and Forum for Development
Rural monitors have also monitored the national
census exercise in their different Sub Counties. “As  People’s Rights and forum for development Forum,
we have been monitoring and updating people on whatever is taking place about the
national census. We found out that officials were asking money from the local citizens,
who had shown interest in being employed to carry out the census activities. But
as a forum, we criticized the officials and informed the applicants not to pay
any money for getting the jobs. We also informed the officials that applicants
should be chosen on academic merit, and not rigging the exercise”. Said Mukwano
Senyonjo, the Chairperson of People’s Rights and Forum for Development in
Mugusu Sub County, Kabarole District.
Rural monitors have also participated in encouraging and
motivating local citizens to embrace government programs that are developmental
to the society. “We have encouraged residents of Mutunda and Bundibubuga
parishes in Ndugutu Sub County to embrace the government’s decision of
extending electricity from Nyahuka town. During the meeting that was organized by
local leaders, fifty three people attended and fifteen people paid thirty
thousand shillings each to Bundibugyo Energy Cooperative Society (BECS). During
the meeting, it was also agreed that by 21st July 2014, every house
hold should have paid at least 30,000/= to kick start the project”, said
Tibesigwa Rajab, a member of Bundibugyo Media Practitioners Forum in Bundibugyo
However, rural monitors lack sufficient funds to run their
activities smoothly especially in monitoring services in rural areas, and also mobilize
local citizens for meetings. Rural monitors also face intimidation from local
leaders who are responsible for the issues raised from the community .

advocacy forums are supported by SIDA/CIPESA on a project aimed at
using appropriate ICT tools to promote democratic engagement in the
Rwenzori Region, Western Uganda.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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