Rwenzori Rural & Urban Development Organization (RUDO-Uganda) in partnership with ToroDev and KRC organized a public meeting to allow citizens present their concerns to duty bearers.

On 5th/07/2017 Rwenzori Rural & UrbanDevelopment Organization (RUDO-Uganda) RUDO in Partnership with ToroDev and KRCorganized face the citizen’s meeting at Hamabale village, Karangura sub countyin Kabarole District to bringing top duty bearers both political and technicaltogether to hear and respond to the concerns of citizens aimed at findingsolutions to the challenges/concerns from community members as a way to improveservice delivery.
The meeting came up after ToroDev conducted a rural radio debate/magazinein Karangura Sub County in the month of April 2017 where citizens raised their concernsand when the voices were amplified live on radio, duty bearers were listeningand were touched by concerns of the citizens who complained of the poor servicedelivery in Karangura Sub County. After the broadcast of the voices thedistrict chairperson contacted the leader of RUDO through a cell phone andrequested him to organize a meeting in order to get a platform to address someconcerns for positive actions.
Community members & duty bearers listening to comments from CSO’s
The meeting was attended by 320 people who includedcommunity members, CSO’s, duty bearers both political & technical thatincluded among others; LCI, LCII, LCIII, parish chief, sub county &district  councilors, districtchairperson, Resident District Commissioner (RDC) and media.
“In the month of March wecarried out a simple research as a forum to know the state of service    delivery in the Health, Education, Water,Roads and Economic development sectors, where we found out that services in the above sectors are in a sorry state, we decided to request for a rural debatewhich was held in April 2017 and the voices of citizens were amplified live onradio which captured the attention of duty bearers and requested for thismeeting”. Said Mr. Kule Vincent,the Chairperson RUDO
Vincent added that the keychallenges shared during the rural radio debate/magazine included; absenteeism& late coming of health workers at Nyakitokoli HCII, limited drugs at Nyakitokoli HCII, Poor performance in governmentprimary schools, Impassable roads with lots of potholes, lack of clean and safe water in the sub countyetc and today we are here to listen to what our leadershave to say as we find a solution toaddress these challenges.
“In Karangura subcounty we have five (5) government aided primary schools but last year we gotonly one 1st grade out of hundreds of pupils that sat for primaryleaving examination (UNEB) this shows that education standards are still verylow in our sub county and we have (1) secondary school which performs very badwith no first or second grade for many years now”. Said Joshua Magezi, a member of RUDO while presenting the issue paper at Karangura Sub County.
Joshua from RUDO presenting the issue paper before duty bearers
 Joshua added that poor performance  is due to late coming of teachers, absenteeism
of students,  overcrowded class roomswhich do not allow learners to be comfortable while studying, PTA and SMCs arenot active to  play their roles andresponsibilities, poor inspection of schools from DEOs office and politicalleaders, etc I call upon duty bearers present today to address these challengesfor a better Karangura.
“I request dutybearers to work on Kihondo – Kazigo road which is impassable during rainyseason and this road is a busy one connecting to other areas, dear district chairperson  I am happy that you are here kindly find a wayto address these challenges”, Said Erisa the chairperson local council one (LC1) Hamabale village.   
Area LC I Erisa & Chairman LC 111 sharing with community members during the meeting
“I appreciate responsible citizens who have boldly stood tospeak on behalf of others however, am here in the capacity of DHO because he isthe one who sent me here to address concerns raised regarding the health sectorespecially on Nyakitokoli HCII, first of all I want to assure you that  by next week all staff of Nyakitokoli HCII  will be transferred and new staff will reporton duty  by next week, you will receive anew  In-charge and as the office of DHOwe shall monitor regularly the performing of these people who are coming tomake sure they provide health services as required by people in this Sub countyand promise you that we shall sit in a meeting  as health department  to find a solution to each challenge raised and soon we shall give you afeedback through RUDO and ToroDev”. SaidCatherine Kemigabo the Kabarole District Health Educator (DHE) during the meeting.

Catherine Kemigabo the district health educator (DHE) responding to concerns from the Health sector


Catherine added, I request everyone to respond positively tohealth activities that are going on in the district, like sleeping undermosquito net, testing for HIV, drink boiled water, pregnant mothers to go forantenatal checkups and use of family planning. Use any available avenue toinform us where you need our support as a district.
The following were the action pointsand commitments by the leaders during the meeting.
The sub county chief and chairman LCIII committed to provideSeven hundred thousand (700,000/=) to murrum Busoma-Hamabale road within aperiod of four (4) days. We are happy to report that construction of the road begantwo days after the meeting on addition to pledging to monitor s/c projects,schools and the health centre, follow up the construction of the bridgeconnecting Bulera to Butulya zones, purchase of an attendance book for healthworkers which will be kept at designated place to check the attendance and reporting& leaving time at the health facility.
The RDC ordered police to start arresting health workers whoreport late and leave early, he ordered the LCI to always work with police to monitorheath workers, and he pledged to work with the district authorities to followup presidential pledges as presented in the citizens’ petitions. The RDCordered for immediate arrest of people without toilets residing near the healthunit, the arrest of children attending markets during school days/hours and immediatearrest of two (2) teachers who have continued earning tax payers money withoutworking. These teachers are from Kibyo p/s and Kamabale p/s.
The district Woman councilor representing Karangura Sub county responding to some of the concerns during the meeting
Kabarole District chairpersonduring the meeting assigned the sub county chief Karangura and Town Clerk Karago to murrum, Busoma-Hamabale road within 4 days, he committed to constructButulya bridge, construct classrooms in the most affected schools in the  next financial year 2017/18 and also  lobbyfor upgrading of Nyakitokoli HCII toHCIII in the next financial year so that it can be equipped  with enough human resource, maternity ward& enough drugs to handle the big numbers of patients who come to seek forhealth services . He also promised to secure funds for water project in thenext next financial year, secure Government Aid for St Joseph SS-Karangura and send 3 heifers to Karangura Sub County under operation wealth creation to increaseincomes of community members aimed at development of the Sub county.
“We are grateful that our efforts of presenting petitions, organizingrural radio debates, attending radio talkshows and mobilizing citizens for thismeeting have not been in vain, already the road is half way constructed and menare still at work. New staff at Nyakitokoli HCII will report this week onThursday of 13th July. We very much appreciate our partners ToroDevand KRC for the financial support”. Said Kule Vincent RUDO Chairperson.
As ToroDev we thank all our partners SIDA, NED, SPIDER, ICT4DEM, CIPESA for the technical &financial support and also the advocacy forums we work with for the advocacy& monitoring work done in communities.


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Ben Chilwell

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