Rwenzori Rural & Urban development organization advocates for justice

On 24/10/2016 a teamfrom Rwenzori Rural & Urban Development Organization (RUDO-Uganda) visited NyarukambaPrimary School to monitor the state of service school and to identify the challengestheschoolexperienceand how the school management has managed to address suchchallenges.“During our visit itwas observed that a primary six girl dropped out of school as a result ofgetting pregnant, to us this was a big surprise and blow, this forced us toorganize another meeting with the girl (Mbambu Jessica) , the School ManagementCommittee, PTA Chairpersons  and theparents to understand what really happened and as a forum how can we help toidentify the man who defiled the girl”.  Said Kule Vincent the leader of the forum
 Vincent added we wentahead and held a meeting with the head teacher Mr. Tibakunirwa John and this is what he said, ‘’I learnt of Jessicaour pupil being pregnant first from herfriends at school and I thought thesewere just rumors, but I went ahead and sent for Jessica to know what is wrong with her but she denied being pregnant, so I took her words and her confession.
The head teacher  added I held several talks with Jessica butshe has never accepted that she was pregnant, so I took a step to go ahead and invite a medical personnel to the school to conduct a pregnancy test on her, that day she ran out of the school and went home . I was surprised one day when police officers   came to our school to arrest our teacher Mr.Bakwirison Moris for a defilement case and making Jessica pregnant as the main suspect, but the teacher denied everything and he was not arrested.
As a school with the help of the forum we went ahead to meetJessica’s father who told us that her daughter was pregnant and the main suspect is Mr. Moris Bakwirison the teacher at school, different family members of the girl got concerned and called for the meeting with the suspect fornegotiations at his home.
The teacher was engaged in the meeting but he denied all the allegations and called for DNAtest which he accepted to pay for. The family failed to handle the case andsought for support and help from police, when the police came to arrest the teacherhe had already escaped from school and from his home.” Said Jessica’s relative.
I don’t know the realfather of the kid am carrying because I first slept with Mr. Bakwirison Moris (teacher) but later I also had sex with Baluku Jeremiah the son of MusaIsembugheki & Kayikubulha a game ranger but am sure the pregnancy is for the teacher”, Said Mbambu Jessica.
As forum members weare still following this case, we have alerted the police, NGOS, DEO , LCIII of the area, media and we request for support from anyone to go ahead and carrythe DNA test to know who is thefather of the baby, so that action can betaken, however Jessica  needs to undergo Counseling and HIV/AIDS test, antenatal care, health and nutrition support, sheneeds to  be counseled to go  back to school after giving birth”. SaidVincent Kule the leader of RUDO Forum.
We are grateful to all the development partners for the support.


Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Ben Chilwell

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