Sub county chairpersons from Kicwamba & Kabonero in Kabarole district share their plans for the 5 years term 2016-2021

ToroDev through their post-elections campaign where leaders
from the seven districts of Rwenzori Sub region are invited to share their development
plans with electorates has to some extent made leaders accountable and
committed to their pledges they shared during the 2015/2016 general campaigns
in the region. The campaign has been on-going since the end of elections on the
3 local radio stations i.e HITS FM, KRC FM & Jubilee radio that partner
with ToroDev.
On 3rd September, 2016 Hits Fm through their
ToroDev supported weekly program ‘Orukurato
that is aired live every Saturday 8:00pm-10:00pm we hosted Mr. Businge Charles,
the Sub county chairperson Kicwamba Sub county and Mr. Kyaligonza John the
chairperson Kabonero Sub county to share with listeners the status of their sub
counties and the plans they have for their communities.
Mr. Businge said the few months they have spent in office
they have managed to do some work for example Bwanika-Kiguma road has been
constructed, Kitarasa-Kicwamba road, Mubuhara-Kyakagusa road and work is
on-going on Kagogo-Kiguma road where  first class murram will be put to ease
transport of people and their goods. Kagogo-Kiguma bridge has also been
constructed and ‘’I request citizens to
use these roads to increase their house hold incomes’’
, said Mr. Businge
Charles Sub county chairperson Kichwamba sub-county.
Mr. Businge further said in the effort to improve water and
sanitation in the sub county, the sub county with support of the district has
secured 31 million shillings that will provide safe and clean water to Kicwamba
Sub County especially in areas of Buhara parish and preliminary work has
started on the site where the water sources will be constructed. The sub county
has secured computers and solar panels as support from a health organization at
the district that is aimed at improving record keeping in the health centers.
In education sector Mr. Businge said 2 classroom blocks have
been constructed at Bwanika primary school and more will be done in other
schools in the sub county that luck class rooms in order to improve the
learning environment of children in these schools. The sub county under the
government program of wealth creation has managed to get heifers, mango seedlings,
tea seedlings, and we are also focusing on banana growing , all have been
distributed to different beneficiaries in our sub-county aimed at improving household
income for our people. Much as we are struggling to develop our sub county, we
still luck government aided secondary education to support education in the sub
county. ‘’We do appeal to the government through
our elected leaders to lobby for secondary schools to reduce distances covered
by our children in accessing education and also making fees affordable by
majority so that our children can attain education’’
, said Mr. Businge
 During the 2 hours live radio discussion, Hon. Kyaligonza
John the sub county chairperson Kabonero said Kabonero health centre III has
got mattresses and beds in their maternity ward to improve the conditions of
women who come to deliver from the health facility. The district has recruited
3 health workers to support the existing staff and also secured computers and
solar panels to improve record keeping at the health center.
 In education sector,
the sub county with support from RIDE-Africa a local NGO in the district will
train school drop-out especially girls between the age of 12-17 years in
agriculture and hand craft work. A total of 450 children will be supported with
skills and start up capital that will help them invest and run different
businesses to improve their incomes and that of their families. Bunyangabu
community development will also be sponsoring 5 children from the sub county to
attain education at certificate and diploma levels.
Listeners were given time to call
in and contribute during the 2 hours of the program through call-ins & Sms
platforms, about 50 people called in and some of their contributions include; ‘’the health centre still has challenges
like absenteeism of health workers and insufficient drugs, let our leaders
lobby government to avert the issues’’,
said Micheal Kikora a caller from
Karangura sub county, ‘’ Teachers are
absenting themselves from schools due to little and delayed salary payments,
please help us otherwise the education standards in the sub county are dropping’’,

said Margret Kazairwe a caller from Karangura in Kabarole district.
We thank our Sponsors,
Donors & Partners for the financial and technical support to keep our
leaders and listeners engaged especially through the use of ICT tools to
improve service delivery.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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