The Agricultural Trade Show

On 17th May 2014, panelists appeared on HITS FM
to discuss the agricultural trade show that was organized by CABS (Community
Agro Business Capacity Services) in partnership with Kabarole District Local
Government. “We have organized an agricultural trade show in Kabarole District
that will take place on 26th – 28th May 2014. The main
aim of this trade show is to create a plat form where all farmers and business
men in the Rwenzori Region can meet and learn through sharing skills and knowledge
from each other”, said Malsera Kasukali, the Executive Director, Community Agro
Business Capacity Services. The panelist was discussing on ToroDev supported
live radio accountability program called  ‘Orukurato Program’ that
discusses issues of accountability every Saturday (08:00 – 10:00pm).
Farmers display their products during a trade show
Other panelists who participated in the live radio
discussion included Mr. Mwebesa Perez, the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer,
Kabarole District, and Miss Nkwenge Lillian, the District Information Officer,
Kabarole District. 
During the discussion, Mr. Mwebesa indicated the objectives
of the trade show. “The theme of the trade show is “To eradicate poverty and
look the potential for agriculture development in Kabarole District”. Its
objectives will be; setting a way of how farmers can meet and share knowledge
through interactions with each other, sharing what we have been able to achieve
to fight famine following the millennium development goals, realizing
opportunities for development, gaining knowledge and skills of improving our
value chain (value addition), among others.
Miss Nkwenge also participated in the live radio discussion
by appealing to all farmers and business men to attend the trade show. “The
agricultural trade show is held every year to bring farmers, business men and
investors together to share skills and knowledge. I therefore appeal to all
farmers and business men to attend in big numbers and represent their sub
counties and groups. Participants should also make articles that will be
published in the farmers’ magazines for advertising/marketing purposes”.
Local listeners also participated in the live radio
discussion through call ins to raise their issues and concerns. “As youths, how
shall we benefit from the program?” asked Rodgers from Rubona Town Council,
“People with gambling games should not be allowed in the trade show”, said
Rwabuhinga, “I thank the panelists for the good program presentation”, said a
caller from Kyegegwa District, “How much is the entry fee?” asked Godfrey from
Karambi Sub County, “Which day will the president attend the trade show?” asked
Charles from Kiburara Sub County in Kabarole District.
The live radio discussion was moderated by Mr. Kasigazi
Willy Donanto and is supported by SIDA/CIPESA and SPIDER/Stockholm
University on a project aimed at using appropriate ICT tools to promote
democratic engagement in the Rwenzori Region, Western Uganda.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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