The government of Uganda should priotize essential and non essential sectors in order to fight poverty in Uganda.

On 26thAugust
2017 Johnstone Baguma the ED of ToroDev, Ms Linda Irene Mugisa a citizen of
Fort Portal and Mr. Baguma Patrick the FDC vice chairperson in Fort Portal
municipality were hosted live on HITS FM to debate on “The increasing
government authorities and agencies taking in consideration their relevancy to
the country’s development” on what was raised by the president of the republic
of Uganda.
The panelists
mentioned that the increased number of agencies like UMA, NIRA, URA, WLF, NITA
etc will automatically call for recruitment of more workers and increased
financial expenditure among other things. The country is currently facing a
huge expenditure which calls for leaders to be alert on essential and non
essential sectors to fight poverty and work to achieve the middle income
country status goal.

They further commented that the
scrubbing off of these agencies will
boost the economy by saving the funds that would be paying the workers,office
rent and other expenditures, the saving can be invested in key development
sectors other than facilitating these agencies which spend funds on non
development ventures like wages and salaries.
 “I do support
the president’s idea of scrubbing off some Agencies which seem to do the same work
to cut down the unnecessary expenses for example the increased agencies are non
developmental and some need to be closed to create a room for others to share multi-tasks and responsibilities
Said Ms Linda Irene.
She further commented that the
three arms of government need to track the relevancy of additional agencies
& authorities because we have seen many in existence but still surrounded by
under performance of key development sectors like health,education and
economic development.The country should
facilitate essential sectors and work to merge the existing ones since most of
them share the same responsibilities. 
During the two hours live discussion
over 35 people called in and sent SMS to engage in the discussion and these are
some of their comments.
“Agencies, Authorities and other Administrative units the government
creates are less important to people who are on ground and none are beneficial to
the poor rather than consuming tax payer’s money.”
Said Tumusime from
Mugusu town council Kabarole district,
” Agencies and authorities should be scrubbed off so that the
facilitation can cater for sectors which are demanding”.
Said Ezra a caller
from Kabarole district.
“Agencies have created a room in the misuse of tax payers money and yet
some of them share the same tasks,the president coming up with such a decision
is good and it will lead to development”. Said Ruhungu Shaban a caller from
south division Kabarole district

We thank SIDA, NED, SPIDER, ICT4DEM, and CIPESA for financial and technical.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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