The Minister of Defence and Veterans Affairs has urged Health Management Committees to do their roles right if we are to improve the image of health centers

Hon. Adolf Mwesige the Minister of Defence & Veterans
Affairs who is also a Member of Parliament for Bunyangabu county in Kabarole
district has called for all people responsible for different roles to perform
them if we are to develop together. Hon. Adolf was speaking live on ToroDev
supported ‘Orukurato’ program that is aired live every Saturday 8:00-10:00pm on
HITS Fm a local radio station in Kabarole district. The minister said Health
Management Committees have not played their part well of monitoring and recording
drugs received in health centres that is why we get challenges of lack of drugs
because sometimes the drugs are sold by the people who work in these health centers. 
The minister said leaders cannot do all the roles alone and called for a
collective effort to manage the issues surrounding our communities. ‘’if I have lobbied for drugs, let the
health management committees do the recording of received drugs & do the
monitoring of these drugs, these are their health centres and I expect them to
do their roles as required’’
, said Hon. Adolf Mwesige.
The minister said he lobbied for over 10 billion shillings
under KAYIPU 3 project where roads in the sub counties of Kisomoro, Kabonero,
Kicwamba, Rutete were opened and plans of murruming them are set, and has lobbied
for KAYIPU 4 where we expect roads from other sub counties in the district to
be worked on including Buhesi , Harugongo & other many sub counties. With lobbying
from Uganda Electricity Distribution Company Limited (UEDCL) Nsura,
Kyamukube,Mujunju, Lyamabwa are now connected to electricity, we visited
Kisomoro health centre 111 and found that they had no mattresses and I lobbied from
my China’s friends and got the mattresses for the health centre, we have
supplied irrigation pumps to farmers & given them animals to improve their
house hold incomes.
Hon. Adolf Mwesige Minister of Defence & Veterans Affairs & Member of Parliament Bunyangabu County
During the 2 hours live talk show, the minister shared his
plans for the 5 years term (2016-2021) that included; partnership with National
Water & Sewarage Cooperation to extend safe & clean water to Buhesi,
Rwimi Sub county & Rwimi town council to supplement the gravity flow scheme
in order to improve hygiene & sanitation in the constituency, extending
electricity to Kabata, Kyatwa, Kabonero, Lyamabwa, Kahondo & some parts of
Rwimi, we shall strengthen the health management committees to do their roles
and deal with people who sale government drugs so that we can have stockout in
our health centers for people to access drugs whenever they visit these health
centres, work with the office of the Chief Administrative Officer to order sub
county chiefs to visit the health centers and also monitor all issues
concerning the health centers regularly, we shall build a secondary school in
Kiyombya sub county for our children to access education and also solve the
problem of walking long distances in accessing education & also support
Kisomoro Technical school for our children to access hands on skills training, mobilizing
people to support  government program of operation
wealth creation to access quality seeds & animals hence improving their
incomes and also follow & support veterans to access their gratuity &
other benefits from government. We have held & shall continue holding meetings
with all leaders in the constituency to end the conflicts that had erupted
since we know the basis for their existence now so that people are mobilized to
work hard for development.
The minister called for cooperation as he implements his pledges
and requested inspectors of schools parents, teachers & all people to play
their roles right. He advised citizens to engage duty bearers into
developmental issues by demanding for accountability and if there is nothing to
account for in 5 years then the person can be voted out and be replaced by
another capable leader.
Listeners were given chance to participate in the live
talkshow through call-ins & Sms; ‘’we
still have schools with no enough classroom blocks and our children are
congested with limited desks in classrooms, what is the minister’s  comment on that?’’
, asked Margret a caller
from Bunyangabu, ‘’some health centres
have no access to electricity & this puts the lives of patients especially pregnant
mothers at risk when it is night time something that stresses the health workers
too, can the minister comment on that’’,
said Harriet Twinebyona a caller
from Kabarole district, ‘’we need to know
more on the new government program of operation wealth creation since it leads
to economic sustainability, can the minister talk about it?’’
, asked Paul  Mujuni a caller from Rwimi.
We are grateful to SIDA,
& all other development partners for the
financial & technical support.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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