30th /December 2015 duty bearers from Ntoroko district were hosted
live on KRC Fm Manya
Ekiragiro Kyawe talkshow which is aired
out every Wednesday from (08:00 to 10:00). The main topic of the day was; The
Power of your Vote and being part of Voting.
30th /December 2015 duty bearers from Ntoroko district were hosted
live on KRC Fm Manya
Ekiragiro Kyawe talkshow which is aired
out every Wednesday from (08:00 to 10:00). The main topic of the day was; The
Power of your Vote and being part of Voting.
The two hours talkshow was attended by Mr. Kabagambe Ahebwa Josephat
NRM general secretary, Ntoroko District and Kakwezi Geoffrey special president
advisor Rwenzori Region.
NRM general secretary, Ntoroko District and Kakwezi Geoffrey special president
advisor Rwenzori Region.
“Voting in
elections is an inherent element of every form of democracy. Widespread
participation of citizens in political processes is the cornerstone of
democracy. Therefore, voting should be regarded as a privilege, which involves
a certain degree of responsibility”. Said Kansengerwa Kaahwa, moderator of
the talkshow.
elections is an inherent element of every form of democracy. Widespread
participation of citizens in political processes is the cornerstone of
democracy. Therefore, voting should be regarded as a privilege, which involves
a certain degree of responsibility”. Said Kansengerwa Kaahwa, moderator of
the talkshow.
Kaahwa added when we are voting we have an
influence on every aspect of our lives from free access to education to
homeland security and economic stability. By voting we are making our voices
heard and expressing our opinion on how we think the governments should operate.
influence on every aspect of our lives from free access to education to
homeland security and economic stability. By voting we are making our voices
heard and expressing our opinion on how we think the governments should operate.
“Voting is
important and it has power to change something many argue that their vote does
not really count. Some say that they do not know enough about the issues and
therefore they should not vote. Others still say that they do not know where or
how to vote or how to register even. The truth is that every vote counts! In
order to make democracy effective we must be an active group of participants,
not simply observers”. Kabagambe Ahebwa
Josephat NRM general secretary, Ntoroko District said during the radio talkshow.
important and it has power to change something many argue that their vote does
not really count. Some say that they do not know enough about the issues and
therefore they should not vote. Others still say that they do not know where or
how to vote or how to register even. The truth is that every vote counts! In
order to make democracy effective we must be an active group of participants,
not simply observers”. Kabagambe Ahebwa
Josephat NRM general secretary, Ntoroko District said during the radio talkshow.
“The one who does not vote does not have the right to
complain. Voting is one of the most fundamental civil duties. Even if none of
the political parties running in elections or candidates represent our views
comprehensively, we can always vote for a party or candidate who is the closest
to our political perspective.”.
Said Kakwezi Geoffrey special presidential
advisor, Rwenzori Region.
complain. Voting is one of the most fundamental civil duties. Even if none of
the political parties running in elections or candidates represent our views
comprehensively, we can always vote for a party or candidate who is the closest
to our political perspective.”.
Said Kakwezi Geoffrey special presidential
advisor, Rwenzori Region.
“It is
vital to vote in all elections starting from local election and national, then
to general elections; nobody will impose any restriction on your choice in
voting. Voting is always a better form
of expression of ourselves than not voting and constantly criticizing the current
state of affairs”. Gamukama Waswa Abwooli
a caller from Kibuku sub county
Ntoroko District.
vital to vote in all elections starting from local election and national, then
to general elections; nobody will impose any restriction on your choice in
voting. Voting is always a better form
of expression of ourselves than not voting and constantly criticizing the current
state of affairs”. Gamukama Waswa Abwooli
a caller from Kibuku sub county
Ntoroko District.
“Voting not
only represents your individual power as a constituent, but it highlights the
power of your local community, city and state let us exercise our right and
vote”. Kalvin Basemere caller from Ntoroko District.
only represents your individual power as a constituent, but it highlights the
power of your local community, city and state let us exercise our right and
vote”. Kalvin Basemere caller from Ntoroko District.
“So, my fellow registered voters, go ahead
and vote, do your research on the candidates, spread the word to encourage
others to vote! This is our opportunity as Ugandans to come out in numbers to
make a difference, which therefore will put a lot of pressure on the elected
officials to step their game up to the maximum, let’s go out and vote”. Kasaija a caller from Rwebisengo, Ntoroko
District during the talkshow.
and vote, do your research on the candidates, spread the word to encourage
others to vote! This is our opportunity as Ugandans to come out in numbers to
make a difference, which therefore will put a lot of pressure on the elected
officials to step their game up to the maximum, let’s go out and vote”. Kasaija a caller from Rwebisengo, Ntoroko
District during the talkshow.
“Your voice does make a difference; for your
quick 1 minute of action can affect the future of your city, state and nation.
The choice is yours” Said Kaahwa,
the moderator of the talkshow.
quick 1 minute of action can affect the future of your city, state and nation.
The choice is yours” Said Kaahwa,
the moderator of the talkshow.
During the program over 8 people
called in to contribute on the talkshow. We
are grateful to our partners, SIDA, NED,
DRT, CIPESA, WOUGNET, ICT4Dem, KRC Fm and SPIDER for the financial &
technical support.
called in to contribute on the talkshow. We
are grateful to our partners, SIDA, NED,
DRT, CIPESA, WOUGNET, ICT4Dem, KRC Fm and SPIDER for the financial &
technical support.