The Role of Parents in Learners Academic Performance

On 2rd   February  2019  Mr. Manyindo Frank the head teacher Nyakasurra secondary school and Mr. Willy Mugisha head teacher Rwimi primary school were hosted live on ToroDev’s supported weekly talk show ‘Orukurato’ on Hits Fm to discuss the performance of the just released UCE results for 2018.

The panelists urged parents to support their children and provide them with school requirements and also be part of monitoring and supervising their children whenever they come back home.  They urged parents to always attend school meetings, clear school fees and support learners with basic needs to help them concentrate.

On sharing his views on the UCE results released on 31st January 2019, Mr. Frank Manyindo said that some students have lost focus in education mostly because they are not well guided from the start. This should be a role for both teachers and parents. He added that in most schools where parents do not take part in school meetings, school days visitations  has also increased poor performance.

Most parents do not attend school meetings  to plan with school administration. For example many parents have failed to give enough time to their children especially after primary level. When their children reach in secondary school parents become reluctant and give little time to their children. Many parents think when a child reach senior one he or she is old enough”. Said Willy Mugisha head teacher Rwimi parent’s primary school.

He further said lack of proper support from parents has increased some of challenges affecting education like poor performance, absenteeism, high dropouts and others.

Most secondary schools especially UCE schools face many challenges. These include poor infrastructure, inadequate staffing, absenteeism of teachers, poor attitude of parents towards education, lack of parents support toward learners education etc. These have affected performance at UCE”.  Said Wily Mugisha head teacher Rwimi Parents primary school

Mr. Mugisha further said parents should coordinate with teachers and other stakeholders in education sector to support the performance of students. He also advised schools to build and equip laboratories that will help students acquire knowledge in practical subjects that were not done well in 2018 UCE results.

During the 2 hours live discussion, listeners participated through call-ins and Sms;

Uganda education systems is more of theoretical and this has increased poor performance in science subject,” Said Baguma a caller  from Rugombe Kyenjojo district.

“Most schools no longer give students time to rest even in holidays they have classes ,this has contributed to poor performance in schools,” Said Kahuma Richard from Kaina Kabarole district.

“Rural schools lack equipped laboratories especially government aided ones in different communities of the country. The government should equip secondary schools with enough infrastructures at all levels in the country” Komujuni Marry a caller from Bukwali Kabarole district.

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Ben Chilwell

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