Three (3) rural radio debates /magazines held in Mugusu, Migongwe & Bubukwanga sub counties in Kabarole, Kyegegwa and Bundibugyo districts.

ToroDev appreciates NED and SIDA for the
financial support to continue holding rural radio debates /magazines to capture
the voices of women and youth from hard to reach areas and amplify the voices
live on radio for duty bearers to pay attention.
Three (3) rural
radio magazines/debates were successfully held in 3 sub counties of 3 districts.
ToroDev facilitated one journalist to go and record these voices. The  3 
debates were  held on  26th May 2017 in Mugusu sub county
Kabarole district, 20th /06/2017 in Migongwe
parish Kakabara sub county Kyegegwa and 9th
/ 6/2017 Bugukwanga  sub county, Bundibugyo
issues discussed were recorded and broadcast live on
KRC radio during the ‘Manya Ekiragiro Kyawe’ program on Wednesday 8:00-10:00pm
for the duty bearer’s intervention.
The main objective of
holding these debates is give a chance to women and youths from remotest
villages to participate in the democratic discussions and also contribute in
following up newly elected duty bearers to improve essential service delivery
in their sub counties. Women are given the first priority due to the challenges
they face while participating in open democratic discussions.
A total number of 60 women and
40 men both youth and adult attended the 3 debates, each debate could be
attended by community members between 25-35 people. ToroDev worked hand in hand
with advocacy forums leaders with interest in these villages to mobilize women
and youth to attend the debates, follow up issues raised during the rural
debates and present them to leaders during community meetings/ Barazas. One
member from Rwenzori Journalists forum was facilitated to reach to villages to
record the concerns of women and youth, amplify them live on radio talk shows
and invite concerned leaders live on radio talk shows to respond on issues

Participants in one of the Rural radio debate/magazine at Bubukwanga Sub County in Bundibugyo district
For the last five months we have not had water
because of the pipes which are small and can’t fully supply water to every part
of Mugusu and our shallow well cannot supply water to all villages in Mugusu
Sub County. I this case I request water department at Sub County and district
level to handle”.
Edward Itoote from Kiboha village Sub County. .  
water is on and off in Bukuku especially in Ibonde village and this is
affecting our people, we request our sub county leaders to lobby for more bore
holes and shallow wells in our area so that we can end the problem of
inadequate water services in our area” Said Ivan from Ibonde village Mugusu sub
county Kabarole district.
don’t have water in Kiko town council we request Kabarole district water
department to also consider us in this financial year”. Said Irumba Assonance a
caller from Kiko town council.
 “In Kakabara,HCIII  the 
facility is not well facilitated 
with enough infrastructure, beds and staff quarters  this has been causing a lot of congestion in
wards and at the health facility, we request the duty bearers to make a change
this financial year”. Said Mugume James from Migogwe parish Kakabara Sub
state of our health centers is still alarming in Kabarara. For example the  government built one health centre II in
Migongwe trading center its now 5 years 
without opening it and it has become a house for thieves,  leaders are aware but doing nothing, we
want  to see this building turned into a
health facility”. Said Twikirize”,Sarah from Migogwe parish Kakabara sub county
Kyegegwa district.

Women & Youth attending a rural radio debate/magazine in Kakabara, Kyegegwa district

leaders are not playing their  monitoring
role, I request them to start moving on the ground  to monitor what goes on in the health centers
may be this can motivate the health workers in one way or the other”. Said
Mboijana Patrick from Migongwe parish Kakabara sub county Kyegegwa district.
have failed to play their roles well they send students at school without scholastic
materials such as pencils, books, uniform, packed lunch, etc and they expect
good results from them which difficult. We request the government to work hand
in hand with district education department SMCs and PTA members to increase on
school inspection so that we can raise education standards in our district”.
Kabasinguzi Grace from Bubukwanga sub county Bundibugyo district.
children go to school late due to the long distance to access these  schools, they walk for hours to reach to these
UPE schools which is a big problem here and the main challenge in most schools
here is that teachers are very reluctant when it comes to teaching and coming
early to school. In this case I request the inspector of schools to always do
supervision especially in poor performing schools”.  Said Ka
bakunje Ann from Bundibugyo.
 We are grateful to SIDA, NED, SPIDER, ICT4DEM, CIPESA & all our partners for the
financial and technical support. 
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
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