ToroDev Conducted One (1) Rural Debate in Igunda Parish Kakabara Sub county Kyegegwa District.

The debate was conducted on 15th/02/2019 targeting the participation of women and youth in the democratic discussions and their contributions to improve essential service delivery in Uganda.

In Igunda the debate attracted fifty five participants where thirty five were women and others male & youths. Women shared issues ranging from health, education, road and economic development sectors. On 3rd March 2019 issues were amplified live on ToroDev’ supported program Listeners forum for duty bearers to pay attention.  Some of the issues raised include:

 “We have Impassable roads in our area such as Igunda to Kakabara and Kakabara to Mpara and these roads have affected our income generating activities. I call upon leaders to help to construct for us these roads”. Said Kamazoba Lucy a resident of Igunda Kakabara sub county Kyegegwa district.

“We have a problem with typhoid and it is as a result of taking dirty water. We don’t have boreholes and shallow wells in our area.  We request sub county water board and the district water department to work hand in hand and improve water challenges in our area”. Said Ngonzi reachel from Igunda Kakabara sub county Kyegegwa district

“Our roads are impassable especially during rainy seasons and they develop potholes such as from Kakabara-Mpara road and Kakabara to Kibale roads. Leaders have failed to give them a priority. We call up on duty bearers to come on ground and fulfill the pledges they made during campaign period”.  Said Kakwera Christine a resident of Igunda A kakabara sub county Kyegegwa Sub County.

At Kakabara HCIII sometimes we go there and nurses tell us the drugs are over that we should go to the private clinic to get the drugs. Still nurses are not enough to handle the number of patients received. DHO should do something about this”. Said Tumuhimbise Alise from Igunda Kakaraba sub county Kyegegwa district during the rural radio debate.

She further added that our children walk long distances from Igunda to Kakabara  to attend school  this is one of the causes of school dropout. We request duty bearers to lobby for a primary school.

Nurses in Kakabara health centre III are not helping patient especially pregnant women they wait for a long hours without getting health services,” Said Tomuhairwe Gorret from Igunda Mukabwera Kakabara sub county Kyegegwa district.

We have failed to benefit in operation wealth creation program and the seeds  supplied are of bad quality I request sub county duty bearers to come on ground before the delivering processes is done.”. Said Beatrice Kobusinge from Igunda B during the rural radio debate.

 “The government should put in place a technical school to help youths to get technical skills”. Said Ms Kemigisa Stella from Igunda A Kakabara sub county Kyegegwa district.

She further requested the government to always carry out transfers of health workers who have overstayed in one health centers for more than 5 years.

“Duty bearers have failed to come back on ground and organize meetings to hear our concerns. This is very frustrating and bad to us who voted. ”Said Tumukugize Jacenta a resident of Igunda A in Kakabara sub county Kyegegwa District.

She further added that Kakabara primary school is far and teachers are very few, you find one teacher teaching in 4 classes and this is not right.  We request leaders to lobby for primary school for Igunda Parish.  

Callers were also involved during the discussion and this is what they commented

“Leaders have failed to come on ground and work for people and this has caused poor service delivery and lack of accountability.Said Justus a caller from Kibito Bunyangabu district.

Leaders pledge a lot but nothing is done on ground to improve on roads and water and yet some of them are planned in the district and sub county budgets,” Said Dan Businge a caller from Ntoroko district.

The government should extend rural electrification project to every part of the country such that people can start small projects”, Said Tumusime Moses  a caller from Ntoroko




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