ToroDev Conducted Rural Radio Debate/Magazine in Rwebisengo Town council Ntoroko District.

The debate was held on 22nd May 2018 and a total number of seventy five (75) women, youth   and duty bearers from Rwebisengo town council attended. The debate was conducted by a journalist and on 27th May 2018 the voices were amplified live jubilee Radio for duty bearers to pay attention.

The main objective of holding these debates is to provide chance to women and youths from the remotest villages to participate in the democratic engagements of their country and also contribute in following up newly elected duty bearers to improve essential service delivery in their sub counties. Women are given the first priority due to the challenges they face while participating in open democratic discussions

Some of the participants who attended the rural radio debate in Rwebisengo sub county.

Duty bearers are also reached to respond to these issues and provide a solution to some of the issues raised by women.  In particular Fifty (50) were women, Twenty (20) youths others were men.

Some of the key issues raised during the rural radio debate/magazine include.

“In Rwebisengo town council our diary businesses are going down due to on and off electricity, we have lost our milk because power is not stable, we request leaders to help us and address this challenge.”  Said Kabahenda Mary during the debate

“We have a bigger challenge of impassable roads during rainy seasons, the roads flood and we fail to get our way to access health services or to send our kids to school, I request district road department to construct trenches.  Said  Banura Jane  during the debate

There a big challenge of lack of water in Rwebisengo town council especially during dry season, we have lost our cattle due to lack of water, leaders are aware of this but have not helped us. We call up on leaders to put more effort and lobby for piped water and more boreholes in our sub count”. Said Mbabazi Maimuna during the rural radio debate/debate.

Mr Mukonyezi Wilfred capturing women views during rural radio debate in Rwebisengo sub county in Ntoroko district

“The education sector is doing so bad many challenges are being experienced including; high school dropouts, poor performance, absenteeism of both teachers and learners, we need the intervention of all leaders and parents to address these challenges. We request DEO to work on these problems so that our children can get better education”.  Said Aisha Kebirungi during the rural radio debate.

At Rwebisengo health centre III there is insufficient drugs supply   and few workers to attend to a bigger number of patients received per day”. Said Bonabana  Jane.

As leaders we are aware of all those issues raised by women and we are trying to address them with district duty bearers to provide one solution at ago.  We have begun working on trenches to provide proper movement of water during rainy season, we are working with SMC too address the issue of Absenteeism of learners and teachers and we are in touch with DHO to see how to improve drug delivery in our health centre”. Said Mayor Rwebisengo Town Council

We thank ToroDev for providing us with platforms to address some of these challenges and we promise also to support women and also address their challenges as much as we can”. Said the youth councilor Rwebisengo town council


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Ben Chilwell

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