ToroDev held capacity building of newly elected district councilors in Kyenjojo district

The induction/capacity building
training took place at Kyenjojo district council chambers on 9th
& 10th March, 2017 and was facilitated by a consultancy firm;
local government consulting group an arm of Uganda local government Association
(ULGA) based in Entebbe, Uganda. The induction training targeted all district
councilors from the 20 sub counties (including town councils) of Kyenjojo
district and thirty four councilors attended the 2 days training where 12 were
female while 22 were male.
 David Kugonza 
on behalf of Torodev while giving the objectives of the induction
training said; as an organization we have held a number of meetings with the
district speaker, clerk to council & some councilors to understand better
the gap that exist in the work o councilors and now we are here to bridge that
gap. We want to support the councilors to perform their roles well especially
on their legislative roles which seem to be major in council. ‘’We desire to see politicians working
closely with the technical team in representation & legislation, planning
& budget processes, monitoring government programs, advocacy, all aimed at
improving service delivery for our people in communities’’
, said David
Kugonza Documentation & Communications officer, ToroDev
David Kugonza sharing the objectives of the training 
The deputy chief administrative
officer Kyenjojo district Madam Enid Kajumba while officially opening the
training on behalf of the Chief Administrative Officer commended ToroDev for
the services in the district like facilitating the functionality of the
district e-society centre something that has increased access to information and
communication, inducted school management committees & PTA members,
facilitated the recent district budget conference, initiated the CSO’s-District
forum meetings where we meet quarterly plan & budget together on addition
to discussing service delivery issues in the district, and now building
capacity of newly elected district councillors. ‘’ we very much appreciate your efforts to support government
programs and Kyenjojo district local government in particular and we also
pledge to work with you at any time you need us’’,
said Enid Kobugabe the
deputy chief administrative officer Kyenjojo district. Enid urged participants
to apply the knowledge and skills they acquire to improve services in
communities before opening the 2 days capacity building/ induction training.
Enid Kobugabe Deputy CAO Kyenjojo giving opening remarks
Mr. Norman Birungi the main facilitator
together with Mr. Orono Francis Xavier took the participants in a number of
topics that were not limited to; decentralization, roles of councilors,
leadership code of conduct, council rules & procedures, legislation
development & management, planning & budgeting, legal drafting of
bye-laws, lobbying & advocacy, monitoring & evaluation, communication
and ToroDev’s David Kugonza shared the role of ICT in improving service
delivery. The honorable members were urged to support the use of ICT platforms
like internet, radios, twitter, facebook, whatsapp to reach their people and
also communicate their plans as well as giving accountability to the
electorates. Also they were advised to have facebook & whatsapp group pages
to monitor government programs & services in communities hence easing
communication amongst themselves especially those that use smart phones.
Norman Birungi a facilitator during the training

Francis Orono a facilitator during a session
‘’ We thank ToroDev for the knowledge
& skills, I do observe that  we have
been doing things the wrong way especially in implementation processes and our roles
as councilors, from today we are going to do things the right way as we aim at
improving services to our people’’,
said Enock Kaahwa district male youth councilor representing Nyantungo
Sub county.
‘’As a district chairperson I thank ToroDev for the detailed
training to our councilors and also realize that since they are the voice &
key people in development the fact that they represent all categories of people
, iam sure the skills acquired will help them in lobbying, planning, monitoring
and to legislate professionally to improve services in communities’’,
said Mr. Kaija William
Mr. Kaija William the district chairperson sharing with participants during the training

Some of the trained district councilors in a group photo after the 2 days training
‘This training has helped us to
understand our roles and responsibilities and also  what to do in the council
especially in the standing committees,
we promise to use the skills  to plan,
lobby & advocate for improve service delivery’’,  
Said honorable Jane Ahaisibwe councilor
representing Butiiti Sub county.
The district speaker
Hon. Ronald Karamagi while closing the 2 days training appreciated ToroDev for
extending such important knowledge& skills to the councilors of Kyenjojo.
He said a lot has been learnt in these 2 days and further acknowledged that to
some extent they have been doing things the wrong way especially while conducting
council sessions which will not be repeated with effect from today. He called
upon other civil society organizations with a motive of developing communities
like ToroDev to come and support to fill the gap that exist in other sectors.
We are grateful to all our development
CIPESA & Kyenjojo district local government for
the financial and
technical support. 

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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