ToroDev Held Rural radio Debate/Magazine in Mugusu Town Council Kabarole District on 6th May 2017.

With Support from
National Endowment for democracy and SIDA ToroDev has been conducting rural
radio magazine/debates to capture the voices of rural women and youth in
hard to reach communities with an aim of sharing their views with duty bearers
on radio and other traditional platforms like during accountability meetings
organized at the parish level by the advocacy forums initiated by ToroDev.  
The views of 12 women, 16 youths and
4 duty bearers (Youth Councilor, Speaker, Local council 1) were recorded by
talkshow moderator Mr.Mukonyezi Wilfred and their voices were amplified live on
Jubilee Fm during Listeners forum talkshow.
The participant’s selection was
mainly rural women, youth and duty bearers the focus discussion was on the
state of service delivery in Mugusu sub county/Town council, for example what
issues need to be addressed by the duty bearers in health, education, roads
sectors?, what woman and youths expect from the elected duty?, how woman and
youths plan to work with the duty bearers to see there is improved service
delivery among others.
issues discussed were recorded and broadcast live on
Jubilee radio during the ‘listeners forum’ program on Sunday 8:00-10:00pm for
the local leaders’ intervention, articles
posted online (listeners forum face book page &ToroDev blogs), Phone SMS,
calls used for mobilization.
We are
here because we care of our mothers , sisters 
and young  brothers who have
difficulties  with sharing their key
service delivery issues  on radio and
other platforms due to lack of accessibility of the platforms and due to their
busy schedules. We request women to share with our moderator the state of
service delivery in their community
”. Said
Sheila Amanya M&E officer ToroDev.
Participants who attended rural radio debate in Mugusu town council/sub county  Kabarole district

The government should put much focus in
supporting girl child as much as possible because it is the
girl child that needs the most support, the girl
child is more
disadvantaged and nobody thinks of the girl child as
someone who needs empowerment yet, she is the one who raises the society
.” Said Kezabu Oliver a concerned
citizen from Mugusu.


women in Mugusu sharing their concern with program moderator Mr Mukonyezi Wilfred during rural radio debate 
we have so many challenges in the health sector especially in Mugusu health
center III, our nurses don’t attend to patients, patients wait for many hours
without being attended too, and we request health management committee members
to work hand in hand with DHO to improve on supervision
is one of the reasons marriages fail in many homes, because men are not
supporting their wives and this causes a lot of fights and domestic violence,
radio talkshows should sensitize men to work and provide for their families
instead of wasting time betting for soccer”. Said Annet Balinda. 
added we request women and girls to be empowered with entrepreneurship skills
to create employment we hope to see young women who have mastered a skill and
have been educated too adding that, after the training, the Government should
support the initiative and give the beneficiaries start-up loans of sewing
machines with the focus on tailoring of clothes, beddings and bags in order for
them to enhance their skills and make a living”. Said Kaheru Ma 
We have problems with our health center they
lack health facilities such as drugs, water, latrines and the hygiene is
bad  especially Mugusu Health centre III,
we request duty bearers to lobby for our health centre clean  water source to improve
”. Said Monica
Resty from Mugusu town council Kabarole district.
added that in Mugusu there is a problem of lack of piped water system; people
are drinking dirty water which is hazardous.

“There are high
school dropouts because parents are very supporting their children with school
requirements, parents are too busy looking for money and they have no time for
their children   The LC1 should follow up
these children and meet their parents
”. Said Kyakahuma Joseph from Kirara
village Mugusu town council.
 added that people in Kirara have failed
to benefit in operation wealth creation the program coordinators and organizers
have failed to coordinate the program well and they have failed to consult what
exactly people need for their day today life and what will improve their
livelihood programs  is not at its best
in Nyakihira village, because the seeds delivered are of bad quality,  they don’t grow well and the groups, that have
benefited complain over low yield, wrong timing etc
”.Said Mugisa
Daniel from Nyakihira village Mugusu town council.
We have challenges with roads such as Mugusu
to Kinyankende road, Mugusu to Butebe these roads have potholes especially during
rainy season and they have affected farmers a lot  such as lowering prices for agriculture produces,
we call up on town council  duty bearers
to work hand in hand with  district
engineer to  improve these roads
”. Said
Baito Richard  Kiraro Mugusu town
have limited school facilities such as laboratory equipments and “A” level text
books, in Kaboyo secondary school, we request Kabarole district education department
to work with district duty bearers to lobby and solve these problem if we are to
have impact in the education sector”. 
Said Amanyire Olando a councilor from Mukiraro Mugusu town council.
We take a great opportunity to thank
for financial support
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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