ToroDev in partnership with Bufunjo people’s advocacy forum organized a public accountability meeting to address challenges affecting health sector in Bufunjo subcounty Kyenjojo district.

The meeting was held at Bufunjo sub county council hall in Kyenjojo district on 30th/January/2018 to discuss challenges identified in health sector(poor infrastructure, lack of maternity, lack of fence, late coming and early departure of health workers, limited water at Bufunjo health centre III, lack of staff house, poor health facilities especially in women ward, lack of beds ) The forum leader presented the issues before duty bearers and allowed citizens to add on what was on the issue paper.

Citizen who attended accountability meeting at Bufunjo subcounty hall

“We welcome duty bearers  and everyone for turning up in big numbers, as ToroDev we organize such platforms for  elected duty bearers to interface with citizens where community pressing issues are identified and shared and then expect leaders/duty bearers to give feedback  and way forward”. Said Amanya Sheila M&E officer ToroDev. Sheila further said  on addition to the available platforms ToroDev use to  inform and engage duty bearers, an  e-participation system called “ME and My Leader” (MML) that uses a pre-paid SMS and internet has been developed  where citizens can participate by giving their opinions on service delivery issues from their communities.

Amanya Sheila M&E officer ToroDev sharing with participants during the meeting

“We appreciate the organizers for giving us this opportunity to hear the concerns  of  citizens and find a way forward  for example we plan to work hand in hand with forum members to address the challenge of late coming and early departure of health workers we promise to start visiting the health centre and hold meetings with the staff by February 2018“. Said Hon. Nkamwesiga Novia vice chair person  LCIII.

Hon. Nkamwesiga Novia vice chair person LCIII sharing with the citizens of Bufunjo sub county.

“We still have challenges of underfunding by the government at  Bufunjo health centre III that’s why we have some challenges of poor infrastructure, lack of maternity,lack of fence etc we request advocacy forum and duty bearers to lobby for us ”. Said Dr,Ngonzi in charge Bufunjo health centre III


In charge Bufunjo responding to some of the questions asked by the citizens during the meeting.


  • Two hundred (200) citizens attended including HUMC members , LC III, district women and youth councilors, sub county chief, in charge Bufunjo HCIII, media etc
  • Key challenges affecting health sector in Bufunjo subcounty presented to duty bearers to provide solutions
  • Acton plan developed.

Some of the action point derived from the meeting includes ; to advocate for  Kataraza HCII to be promoted to HCIII and Bufunjo HCIII to IV. This will be done through writing a petition  by Bufunjo people forum to Kyenjojo district leadership with the help of sub county chief, in charge, health management committee members and citizens. By March 2018,

In charge to always call health management committees, sub county chief, OC  for drug witnessing during  delivery time. Effective march 2018.

Health workers should always  be at  the health unit as early as 8: 00am and register in the arrival book .This will under the control of in charge and HUMC members.Effective February 2018

LCII to form village water source committee in their respective villages such that they can follow up shallow wells which are not working.This will be through  the control of parish chief,LCI chairpersons and citizens.Effective February2018.

We are grateful to our donors for financial and technical support

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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