ToroDev appreciates SIDA, SPIDER, NED and all our partners for the financial and technical support given that is helping the organisation achieve it’s objective of improved service delivery in communities. On 9th May 2018 a public accountability meeting was held in Bweramule sub county, Ntoroko district with an aim of promoting MML e-participation system and sharing issues generated through the systems with duty bearers to provide a way forward.
The meeting had participation of a district chairperson representative, district councilor, sub county leadership, headteachers, management committees in schools & health centers, parents, religious leaders, elders, local citizens and the media. Service delivery issues as generated from MML e-participation system from the key sectors of health and education but also reflecting other development sectors particularly from Ntoroko district were presented to over 180 people that included; lack of safe and clean water in Bweramule sub county, impassable roads, poor performance in schools, lack of drugs at Bweramule HC II, Health Unit Management committees seem not to be knowing their roles, high school dropouts etc. Other top district leaders like members of parliament, District education officer and heads of departments at the district were invited but did not attend due to other commitments however, as an action point ToroDev and Bweramule concerned citizen forum will seek appointment with them to share the issues raised through the system and those raised by community members during the meeting.
The Monitoring and Evaluation Officer Sheila Amanya who spoke on behalf of ToroDev informed participants that we work with these sub county based forums with an aim of advocating for betters services in health, education and economic development. “As an organization we work with 21 rural advocacy forums spread in 4 districts and we have trained them in issues of monitoring, reporting, advocacy, fundraising and communication skills as one way of empowering them”.
Sheila added ToroDev organization has initiated a platform called “ME & MY LEADER” designed for citizen to interact with their elected leaders and present their issues to them as well as get feedback from them with the aim of improving community services in all development sectors, We urge you people of Ntoroko district to use the system by sending your issues on a Pre-paid Sms number 6115 so that we can get evidence based data to engage duty bearers for action.
Duty bearers responses;
“ I want to address some issues raised through the system and I promise to continue lobbying to make sure Bweramule HC II gets to HC III to provide better services to our people, I am on the financial and planning team so I have all the chances and platform to share these challenges during the meetings but I call upon fellow duty bearers to play their roles especially supervision and monitoring roles to motivate workers”. Said honorable Matali, district councilor Bweramule Sub County.
“For us to address these challenges I first call upon the parents to play their roles of supporting their children and pay necessary school requirements as one way of solving school dropouts and absenteeism, I blame parents who take education as not important, parents let’s do everything possible to support our children to allow them stay in school”. Said Businge Israel Sub county chief Bweramule.
Hon. Matali responding to citizens issues during the accountability meeting
The issues of absenteeism, lack of enough drugs, congestion at the health facility will all be dealt with immediately our facility is elevated to a HC III status which campaign we have already started. on the issues affecting education the district councilor called upon parents to play their roles of supporting their children and pay necessary school requirements as one way of solving school dropouts and absenteeism. he said they are lobbying the district through the council to increase funding to education sector so that teachers can be recruited, infrastructure developed to reduce the teacher pupil ratio and congestion in class rooms.
Mr. Businge Isreal the Bweramule sub county Chief said parents need to work hand in hand with teachers and school management committees if they are to improve education standards in the sub county. As sub county duty bearers we promise to improve on our supervisory role beginning next term to see that teachers are present and learners are there as a one way of addressing absenteeism of both teachers and learners. He further promised to present the identified challenges to district health and education departments to provide solutions and to give the people feedback in a near future.
“Its unfortunate that leaders of Ntoroko have not delivered services as they had promised during campaigns but as a forum we shall use MML e-participation system to report our issues, use Fm radios to share our challenges and every platform to engage leaders for betters service delivery”. Said Charles Nyakojo the chairperson of Bweramule forum during the meeting.
- Over One hundred eighty (180) people attended
- Duty bearers including district councilors, LCIII and sub county leaders attended the meeting
- MML e-Participation system promoted and the reports for March & April 2018 presented to leaders
- Duty bearers responded to issues raised through the system and those from the participants during the meeting.
- Action plan set
Action plan.
- Create public awareness to sensitize parents on their roles and responsibilities. This is to be done by PTA and Sub county Chief beginning with next term.
- Monitoring of teachers absenteeism to be done by SMC, PTA effective next term
- Provision of water source at Bweramule primary school, and other places that lack safe and clean water, the sub county chief to write to the district chairperson to solve the issue of water in the Sub county
- Continue lobbying for elevation of Bweramule HC II to a HC III status, to be done by DHO, district chairperson & councilors
- Build the capacity of health unit management committees to enable them play their management roles effectively, to be done by ToroDev and Ntoroko district health department