The public accountability meeting was held at Harugongo trading center in Harugongo sub county Kabarole district on 19th July, 2018 to present issues as generated through an online platform- MML e-participation system. District and Sub County leaders were also invited to respond to the issues raised by citizens for improved services.
The public accountability meeting focusing on key service delivery sectors of Health, Education, Economic development was attended by the district chairperson, Sub county chairperson, Harugongo Sub county district councilor, Sub county chief, head teachers, schools and Health Management Committees, Parish and village councilors, Security officials, village local council chairpersons, Advocacy forum members, CSO’s, Elders, Religious leaders, Media and local citizens from Harugongo Sub county.
Sheila Amanya on behalf of ToroDev said such meetings are organized to present issues raised by citizens through the system on a monthly basis. She further said such engagements help to bridge the gap between citizens and their leaders where accountability is given but also sharing of the achievements and challenges such that citizens can understand what is happening in their communities as they take part in the governance processes of their district all aimed at improving service delivery. While sharing the issues generated through the system particularly from Harugongo Sub County for the month of June 2018, Sheila said ToroDev promote the use of ICT’s in the Rwenzori sub region and Northern region in Uganda by promoting different ICT tools like radios, phones and now with the online e-participation system called ‘Me and My Leader’ (MML) where citizens can send a prepaid Sms to 6115 commenting on issues of service delivery from their respective communities.
In her presentation she said citizens from Harugongo sub county were complaining of congestion in the maternity ward at the only health facility in the sub county-Nyantabooma HC II, insufficient drugs at the facility, absenteeism of health workers, lack of safe and clean water, insecurity in the community especially on women, lack of a fence at Harugongo primary school which put a risk on pupils and property due to trespassing of community people, need for the construction of Wamikira bridge that connects Busoro & Harugongo sub counties, school drop out and increased child marriages, etc. She said these issues were gathered through the system and today we are putting them before duty bearers so that together we can find a lasting solution for them.
Citizens were given opportunity to raise their issues concerning service delivery from their communities during the meeting and they expressed gaps in health services where they complained of limited drugs at Nyantaboma HCII, absenteeism of health workers, congestion in the maternity ward, lack of safe and clean water, unclear functionality of operation wealth creation program etc. The issues they raised were similar to those generated by MML e-participation system.
The district chairperson Hon Richard Rwabuhinga applauded ToroDev for regularly organizing such meetings where citizens get information on what has been done, what is planned and the challenges encountered in providing services to them.
While responding to the issues as presented in the MML e-participation system monthly report and those from citizens, Hon Rwabuhinga said it is good we are getting evidence based data from the system initiated by ToroDev and that as a district they are ready to cooperate and address the issues such that citizens can have improved services. Hon Rwabuhinga said the district has earmarked one hundred eighty million shillings (180 m) for the construction of a maternity ward at Nyantabooma HC III, he said the health facility has also been elevated to a HC III status and as such it is going through a transition but automatically services will improve because there will be increased drug supplies, increased staffing, etc all aimed at improved health services. Hon Rwabuhinga further said the district is already in talks with National Water and Sewerage Cooperation an institution responsible for supply of safe and clean water in the country to extend water services to Harugongo Sub county, he said by February 2019 people in Harugongo will be accessing safe and clean water. fifty million shillings (50 m) for the construction of Wamikira bridge, twenty millions (20m) for upgrading of Nyabukara-Harugongo-Geme road to ease transportation of people and goods to markets. The district chairperson said all these will be done this financial year 2018/2019 because we have already passed them in the district council just awaiting implementation.
Hon Rwabuhinga pledged to talk to health workers who absent themselves and also requested the sub county leadership to intensify monitoring of workers in the sub county so that they can deliver services to community members.
The Sub county chairperson and the chief called for strong team work and partnerships of parents, teachers and pupils if the prevailing education challenges are to be dealt with. They urged parents to support their children in schools by providing scholastic materials and lunch such that they can stay in school and complete. They said if this is done child/early marriages and drop outs will reduce hence improve quality of education in the community. School management committees were requested to mobilize parents and sensitize them on the importance of education because some seemed to have negative attitudes towards education.
Out puts.
- One hundred & ninety (190) citizens attended including LCV chairperson Kabarole district, LCIII chairperson, sub county duty bearers, head teachers, management committees, parents, media and local citizens etc
- Key challenges affecting health, education, water, roads in Harugongo Sub County identified and presented to duty bearers and technocrats to provide solutions
- Acton plan created.
Action plan.
- Maternity ward construction: Sub county duty bearers, HUMC members, health In- charge, advocacy forum members and ToroDev to follow up the construction of a maternity ward at Nyantaboma HC III this financial year 2018/2019.
- Road construction: Advocacy forum members, ToroDev and Sub county leaders to follow up the construction of Nyabukara-Harugongo-Geme road
- Bridge construction: Follow up on the construction of Wamikira Bridge that connects Busoro and Harugongo Sub counties effective August 2018.
- Mobilizing the Youth: The Sub county leadership to mobilize the youth in the Sub county to benefit in government programs like Youth Livelihood Program (YLP) to reduce unemployment and increase income at house hold level
- Safe and clean water: Follow up on the construction of safe and clean water by National Water and Sewerage Cooperation. This will be done by district, Sub county leaders, CSO’s, forum leaders & ToroDev
- Schools land tittles & fencing: Head teachers to work hand in hand with the district land board and sub county leaders plus management committees to get land titles for government aided primary schools in the Sub County as well as fencing their schools. This is to be done effective July 2018)
- Sub County headquarters construction: Follow up the prevailing issues of the Sub County headquarters construction before the district injects more 54 millions in construction. This should be an immediate action