ToroDev in Partnership with Kyenjojo NGO Forum held “District – CSOs Forum” in Kyenjojo District.

ToroDev with financial support from SIDA, organised One (1) CSO-District Forum meeting in Kyenjojo District mainly to discuss issues raised through MML e- participation system as shared over the last quarter. Also the meeting was organised to discuss and find ways of solving service delivery gaps as raised by citizens and foster transparency and accountability for improved service delivery.

More discussions focused on achievements of the district for the financial year 2018/2019, understanding the roles of the district NGO committee, how they operate, highlights of the current NGO Act and challenges affecting CSOs in Kyenjojo district etc. The meeting was attended by sixty eight (68) participants including; deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Deputy District chairperson, Heads of departments, district speaker, district planner, 12 community development officers, 15  CSO’s representatives and the media.

We have organized this meeting to follow up action points suggested in the last CSOs – District forum meeting held on 21/02/2019. And also to update you on MML e-participation system”. Said David Kugonza the Strategic partnership and communications officer ToroDev


  • Sixty eight (68  ) participants attended including; Production officer, Sub county chiefs  sub county LCIII,   DCDO, CAO, District speaker, District Planer, heads of departments, secretaries for health, education, production, natural resources, media and representatives of NGO’s/ CBO’s operating in Kyenjojo district
  • MML e-participation system promoted and encouraged participants to use it
  • NGO’s/CBOs planned together with district local government on how to address key issues raised through the system.
  • Key service delivery issues discussed in previous meetings followed to ascertain how far the citizen concerns have been addressed.
  • A position paper developed and presented by CSO’s during the district budget conference in December 2018 discussed aimed at addressing a number of service delivery issued put forward before district officials in different sectors such that they can be integrated in district plans and budgets.

 Key Comments from Participants

I thank ToroDev for organizing this meeting. This is a good opportunity to plan together as Local government and CSOs.  I request CSOs to continue partnering with us to address some of the challenges identified in the education, health and economic development”. Said the Leader of Kyenjojo NGO forum

Mr. Mwesige Moses Leader of Kyenjojo NGO forum sharing with the participants 

In the previous meeting we identified a big challenge of high school dropout in UPE Schools and we suggested joining efforts to sensitize parents to keep their children in school. “We are happy to report to this meeting that Kyamutunzi Sub County has set strong Bi-Laws to arrest parents who keep their children away from school. As sub county leaders this bi- law was enforced and we arrested a number of parents. So school dropout is not a big case in Kyamutuzi Sub County”. Said Sub county Chief Kyamutuzi sub county Kyenjojo District during the meeting

We also set up Bi-Law to arrest children we meet in Markets during school days. The Bi Law is enforced in Bugaki Sub County in Kyenjojo District. We have arrested a number of them and schools are now registering a good number in attendance”. Said LCIII Bugaki Sub county Kyenjojo District

Another issue raised in the previous meeting was NGOs to do joint monitoring with the district officials. We are happy that many NGOS have come on board to monitor Health and education sectors. This is very encouraging to learners and teachers especially in Government schools and health centers”. Said the Leader of NGO Forum

There is improved information flow between the government officials and NGOs; this has improved in planning and budgeting processes. NGOS are accessing information anytime they need it from the district”. Said  District Information Officer Kyenjojo District.

Some of the participants who attended CSO’s meeting in Kyenjojo.

“I call upon all duty bearers to enforce bi-laws to curb down the challenge of school dropouts. All sub county leaders should go back and work with local council one to start serious monitoring of school”.  Said the Chief Administrative office Kyenjojo District.

I request CSOs to share their reports and work plans to help us understand what roles each CSOs plays and to help us report to different departments at national level”. Said  Kyenjojo  District Statistician .

Action plan.

  • Develop district based gender policy this is to be don by Chief administrative officer Kabarole the second week of March
  • Local government and CSOs to do joint monitoring of schools and health workers. The district Health & Education department, CSOs & ToroDev will take a lead beginning March 2018.
  • CSOs to share quarterly reports with district planner , NGO forum will follow up the CSOs beginning 28th February 2019
  • CSOs to do Joint fundraising to raise more funds to address challenges raised by health and education departments  NGO forum
  • Joint efforts to sensitize  parents to keep their girls in school, NGO forum and God’ care will take a lead by  March 2019
  • CSOs and NGOs to organize  the next meeting  the last week  May 2019

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Ben Chilwell

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