ToroDev in Partnership with Rwenzori Journalist Forum held a one day knowledge sharing workshop with the Rwenzori journalists on post election reporting and broadcasting on 23rd March,2017.

ToroDev in partnership with
Rwenzori Journalist forum organized a one day knowledge sharing workshop on 23rd
March, 2017 where 22 journalists mainly news editors and print reporters and
reporters from the 14 local radio stations located in the 4 districts of
Kabarole, Bundibugyo, Kamwenge and Kasese with others from different print and
electronic media (New Vision, Daily Monitor, TV etc) attended the workshop.

The main objective of the training was to refresh journalists
(news reporters,  news editors and print reporters) with the basic skills that
will enable them  do their 
watch-dog role in a professional way during post elections period. Also  to empower 
and orient journalists with the requisite skills on how they can  report issues in a professional way
especially during post election period, code of conduct, their roles and responsibilities
and peace, conflict and
development reporting  policies on health , education  etc aiming at improved service delivery etc.

Media  plays a vital role in
providing information to people, media educates the public on public
information and many citizen rely on information provided by media, so as
ToroDev we want journalists to have a value in improving service delivery, we
ensure development of communities and we are going to critically evaluate the
role played by the journalists who have 
attended the workshop, we shall form cluster to see how best we can  monitor services for improved service
.” Said Johnstone Baguma ED ToroDev.

ED ToroDev Mr. Baguma K. Johnstone giving his opening remarks during the workshop
Johnstone added I
thank all journalists for the work done in engaging leaders to give
accountability on different radio station ,however I call upon all journalists
with in our region to use their professionalism to lobby and advocate for
better services in various sectors .
This workshop aims at equipping you to clearly identify important issues that we
need to concentrate on during the Post election period, especially code of conduct,
developmental reporting, peace and conflicts reporting and how best to engage
duty bearers to  fulfill in the pledges
they make during radio discussions
Said Mr. Tumwine Henry the facilitator of the workshop.

Mr. Tumwine Henry sharing with journalists during the workshop.
“During this period journalists should not insight violence
among the citizens, especially in Kasese and Bundibugyo, we should promote
peace not violence, we should write articles to encourage tribes to respect and
love one another, so journalists mind what you report
”. Said Miss Enid Ninsiima the facilitator during the

Miss Enid Ninsiima  sharing sharing with journalist during the workshop.
“We appreciate
ToroDev for taking us through some of the policies that are key in our daily
work, we have knowledge and we hope to share and educate the policies for them
also to understand them”. Said   Musimenta Kenneth from Jubilee fm
“We get political issues but same times we are stopped to
follow them up due to fear to be harassed by the leader involved”. Said Ruth
Katusabe reporter NTV
“Same journalist are money minded and this has affected much
 of this profession , they report issues
according to who has called them for the story and how much  the work is played, but we thank ToroDev for
this workshops we hope to change and improve in our professional work.”
Said  Baguma Tobias fisher a
reporter  voice of Toro
Honorable Rwabuhinga
Richard LCV chairperson Kabarole district  while giving  closing remarks at the workshop he thanked
ToroDev for the support and equipping knowledge  the journalists with knowledge  in peace and conflict reporting,
developmental reporting , code and conducts and I believe our journalists are
more informed now. Kindly go and practice what u have learnt today and develop
our region, ToroDev thank you for supporting the Government of Uganda
Hon.Richard Rwabuhinga giving final remarks during the workshop.
We are
grateful to SIDA, NED, SPIDER, ICT4DEM,
& all other development partners for the financial and technical
support to run these programs.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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