ToroDev M&E team held evaluation talk show on KRC radio

Toro dev held an evaluation talk show on KRC radio on 18th
January,2017 with the aim of getting views from listeners within the Rwenzori
region who aim seeking to strengthen the quality of their programs
and improve outcomes for the people we serve such advocacy forums, duty
bearers’ youths, women and all people in Rwenzori region. Evaluation program was
basically to answer questions from listeners about our program’s effectiveness,
so that their views can be used to improve program services that are always
aired live every Wednesday.
is done to strengthen programs conducted and, consequently work with the people
to improve outcomes from those programs and  also see on the activities we handle so that
we can develop ways on  how these
programs can be  made more effective to
our people we serve hence planning with them the ways on how best services can
be strengthened and improved not forgetting possible challenges which people
are facing,  trucking whether the program
has been aiming at achieving some thing developmental to the people in Rwenzori
region, etc’’,
David Kugonza documentation and communication officer ToroDev
ToroDev staff during the evaluation talkshow in KRC Fm studios
During this evaluation talk show listeners
were give time to air out their views through calls and  sms platforms; Thirty five ( 35)  people
called in and about 12  sent sms
online platforms, out of these few women about 5 were able to share with us
what they thought would be considered in our programs this year 2017 and in
future. These are some of their comments/submissions;
leaders should be mobilized to come on radio to give listeners accountability
& also share their work plans for the public to understand what they have
done or plan to do, we have bad roads and we do not know what they are
said Julius from Mugusu in Kabarole
should be united together so that they 
have a spirit to work for the people with the aim of improving service
delivery and this will increase on lobbying mentality amongst themselves’’,
 K.K Francis from Bukwali in Kabarole
request those organizations that can help to translate the constitution in our
local languages to do it such that everyone can understand what the law of the
country talks about, this will also help us to know our human rights &
responsibilities as citizens as we advocate for improved services in our
said Tadeo a caller from Rwengaju  in Kabarole district.
talk shows has helped to bridge the gap between duty bearers and us citizens,
when leaders & technocrats are hosted on radio, we get chance to engage
them on issues we feel vital from our communities. Please continue to bring
them live to give us accountability & their plans and this will help our
communities develop’’,
said  Twinamasiko Julius  a caller from Kabarole distinct.
dev should put more emphasis on bringing experts from the health sectors to
talk on health care programs more especially on people with disabilities. We
need to be guided as PWD’s on how to benefit from government programs like
anyother citizen in the country’’,
said Norah from Gweri Kabarole
We take this opportunity to thank SIDA, NED, SPIDER, ICT4DEM, CIPESA & all other development
partners for the financial and technical support to run these programs

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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