ToroDev M&E team carried out an evaluation and impact assessment field exercise to assess the performance of PTA & school management committees who were trained by ToroDev in 2016 in Kyenjojo and Ntoroko districts

In  2016 ToroDev with support from SIDA carried out the training of Three hundred & fifty three (353) SMC and PTA members from 36 sampled schools on their roles & responsibilities, UPE policy, advocacy using ICT, (online/electronic), inspection, monitoring & lobbying for improved service delivery.

In April 2018 M&E team carried out an evaluation exercise to track the impact on the trained SMC and PTA members and to get recommendations for improvement. During evaluation exercise 8 schools were sampled in two sub counties of Nyankwanzi and Bufunjo Kyenjojo District and 8 schools in two sub counties of Rwebisengo and Kibuku Ntoroko District. The targeted people engaged in the discussion included SMC/ PTA Chairpersons, Vice chairpersons, members and head teachers of the 16 sampled schools.

Sheila Amanya from ToroDev with PTA and SMC’s members in Kyenjojo district

Situation Before the training in 2016

  • SMC/ PTA members not aware of their roles & responsibilities especially the role of monitoring, supervision, budgeti
  • Divisionism between PTA and SMC members which was causing poor management in school.
  • Lack of Lobbying  and advocacy skills
  • Failure to follow up learners who drop out of schools, follow up girls who leave schools for marriages, early pregnancy etc and sensitizing parents on the importance of education

Action points set after the training.

  • Conducting monitoring & supervisory work regularly at least twice a month.
  • Holding joint meetings between SMC and PTA to plan and develop their schools together
  • Lobby for lunch for pupils, lobby for funds to fence the school
  • To work hand in hand with parents, LC1 and police to a arrest parents don’t send their children to school.

Situation after   17 months of training

  • Improved monitoring & Supervisory role by SMC /PTA for example before the training monitoring was once a term but after the training its 6-8 times a month
  • SMC members executing  planning and budgeting roles  much better
  • Joint meetings were held in two  schools out of 15 sampled  Mabira P.S & Nyankwazi P.S  Kyenjojo district
  • Out of 15 schools visited  10 had made a provision for lunch for candidate pupils

Key Comments/findings during the evaluation exercise

After the training we fully understood the  role of monitoring and we went back to our school, re-organized ourselves and divided days in a month making sure at least every week one member from committee visits  the school to monitor what is going on and report back to us through a phone call or in committee meetings. We used not to do this before the training and this has improved good working relations with our head teacher, staff and learners”.Said Kasigazi John SMC Chairperson Nyankwanzi  P.Sch.

David Kugonza from ToroDev sharing with PTA and SMC’s during monitoring and evaluation exercise in Kyenjojo district.

We appreciate the work done by SMC/ PTA members, at least every month the chairperson comes to monitor teachers and learners attendance and talk to them at least 6-8 times a month. This has motivated teacher’s and reduced learners absenteeism hence improved performance in the 2017 primary leaving examination  where we scored 10 first grades in 2017  compared to 6 in 2016”. Said Head Teacher Nyabirongo P.Sch

David Kugonga during M&E exercise in Ntoroko district

As PTA members we have tried to follow up money raised by parents to  support school activities  to see if it’s well allocated, well spent and always ask for accountability from the head teacher at the end of the term, this is because we understood that it’s our role to be part of budgeting and planning for the school”. Said  chairperson  PTA Mabale P.Sch Ntoroko

“As SMC members we been  always contacted by Headteacher  to engage in  planning and budgeting  exercise for the school whenever  the new term begins, we take part in approving the budgets and allocating funds on  priorities,  for example  we approved funds to fence the school and  to  renovate classrooms this has improved  proper resource allocations, transparency, trust  and accountability”. Said Chairperson SMC Nyabirongo. P. Sch

We made it compulsory that parents should  provide 5 kgs of maize seeds to school administration  and 3,000/= to pay the cook as one way of  making  a cup of porridge to Primary Seven learners , we did this starting with 2017 and we are happy that parents responded positively and  this increased concentration and good performance”.  Said  the Head teacher Nyabirongo P.s

We held a meeting with parents and requested them to try and pack food for the candidates, parents have diligently done this and it has helped us to have one extra hour in evening to do revision with learners”.  Said  Head teacher Rwamabale P.s

As SMC we used the skills we gained from the training to lobby for a temporary kitchen for our staff since our staff used to complain of this problem.  We worked with community because of their trusts in us and we have gained more confidence since we were oriented” Said the head teacher Nyakwanzi Primary school.

We also  solicited  for funds to buy Solar panel to   provide light to learners to allow them have  extra lessons at night, we are happy that we worked together with parents and this helped us to produce best results in 2017  national examination”. Said John Kasigazi chairperson Nyakwanzi P.S.

We followed up one case where our p.6 girl dropped out and went for marriage, the parent approached us and we worked hand in hand with police and rescued this girl, she came back to school and we are happy that her  parents were courageous enough and reported the case  to us , which we followed up and  rescued her.” Said the Head master Nyankwanzi

We still have failed to handle the issue of school drop outs because parents are not cooperative in the way that parents have failed to support their children  with basic needs especially the girls and this has  forced girls to  dropout and go for marriage”.  Said Head teacher Kitaihuka p.sch


There is a challenge of lack of funds to travel to school to monitor the activities as many times as possible, this role is mostly left for chairpersons PTA and SMC this is according to Makodo, Kitahuka,  Mabale psch

Nyabirongo primary school in Bufunjo sub county Kyenjojo district.

We still face a challenge of some parents failing to attend very crucial meetings to plan with the schools especially in Ntoroko district.


  • ToroDev to support some learners who can’t afford to pack something especially those in candidate classes
  • Massive sensitization of  both learners and  parents on their roles and responsibilities
  • To conduct radio talkshows and host leaders to come and address some challenges schools face in accessing quality education.
  • To support SMCs and PTA members quarterly to conduct joint meetings.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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