ToroDev participates in Internet freedom discussions in Sweden

participated in the Stockholm Internet Forum, SIF 14, which is a global conference
that aims to deepen the discussions on how freedom and openness on the Internet
promote economic and social development worldwide. SIF 2014 was held at
Münchenbryggeriet from May 27-28, 2014 in Stockholm City, Sweden. ToroDev was
represented by Solomon Akugizibwe.
was invited to participate in the global internet conference because of its
focus in promoting the use and access of appropriate ICT tools especially
computers, mobile phones and radios for development among the marginalized population
groups of rural youth and women in Uganda.

Stockholm Internet Forum Logo
global conference was attended by over 200 policymakers, civil society
representatives, activists, business representatives and technical community
representatives. Freedom and openness, respect for human rights, innovation and
global development were the key concepts for the Forum. The conference discussion
was also tweeted live @torodev1, #SIF14, #fixinternet, #internetfreedom.
the discussions, ToroDev and other partners from the developing world who
included WOUGNET, CIPESA who are members of the ICT4Democracy East Africa among
others advocated for more investments in affordable internet technology to
enable improved internet access and use to the poor population of the
developing regions especially in Africa for improved livelihoods.  
and ICT4Democracy East Africa partners also advocated for more investments in
ensuring equitable gender access and use to ICT tools to enable improved
livelihoods because ICT access and use has a direct correlation with improved
3 days annual global conference was opened by the Swedish Minister for
Information Technology and Energy Anna-Karin Hatt and closed by the Swedish Minister
for Foreign Affairs, Carl Bildt.
on SIF14 follow this link
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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