ToroDev Joins Campaign to Petition Ugandan Parliament Over Taxation of Agricultural/farming Inputs

in partnership with other civil society organizations from across the country through
Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) has joined the campaign to petition
the Uganda Parliament calling for the withdrawal of taxes on agricultural
inputs proposed in the 2014/2015 Uganda National Budget. The petition is
expected to be presented to the Speaker of Uganda Parliament in this month
(August 2014).
has joined this petition because the proposed taxes are regressive and will
likely over burden small scale farmers which will consequently lead to increase
in the food costs putting many livelihoods at stake.

A sample of the Signature form for the petition
Uganda has generally enjoyed good economic growth in the last ten years
averaging 7% per year, the growth in the agriculture sector has been
disappointing. Real growth in agricultural output has been steadily declining
over the years, from 7.9% in 2000/01 to about 2.6% in 2008/2009 partly due to
limited budgetary support and taxation of agricultural inputs by the government
of Uganda.
should be noted that other unproductive sectors like security and
administration continue to receive high budgetary support from the government
which is unhealthy to Uganda’s economy.
poor performance of the agriculture sector is also reflected in the sector’s
declining contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) hence increasing poverty
since over 80% of Uganda’s population especially in the rural areas like the seven
districts of the Rwenzori Region where ToroDev operates are either directly or
indirectly employed by the sector.
hopes that the central government will listen to local grassroot call to
withdraw the taxes on agricultural inputs and hence avoid the country from
being food insecure. The withdrawal of the proposed taxes will also uplift the
livelihoods of the rural grassroots who depend on agriculture to improve their
household incomes.
initiative is under ToroDev’s public policy analysis and advocacy which aims at
advocating/lobbying for better government planning and budgeting policies to
ensure that public resources are appropriated in a manner that uplifts the
livelihoods of the local grassroots.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

Proin eget tortor risus. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat.

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