ToroDev’s UPE schools Baseline survey from Kyenjojo district reveals gaps in education sector

 ToroDev in her pursue to
improve the education standards in Rwenzori sub region is planning to train
newly elected school management committees in the four (4) districts of Rwenzori
sub region that include Kabarole, Kyenjojo, Kyegegwa & Ntoroko with first
priority put on worst performing sub counties most of them from hard to reach
areas. School management committee is a
body that is in place under the second schedule
the Education Act 2008 section 58,
59 which spells out that
every school whether government or private shall be governed by the School management committee. This body is approved by the District Education Officer in consultation with district councils standing committee
education on behalf of the district council.
ToroDev’s M&E officer Amanya Shiela with a class teacher at Rwensambya primary school
The school management committee is made
of twelve members, six members including the chairperson are nominated by the foundation body
two of them
must be women. There is one local government representative who is nominated by
district standing committee in
charge of education, a representative of the local council
executive committee & a representative of parents of the school supposed to
be elected through the assembly of old boys /girls or by the association of
former students.
It is mandatory that every School
Management Committee should
meet at least once a term & this committee is mandated to
manage the school.
ToroDev team, area inspector of schools Kyenjojo and some teachers during the field visit
In the next five years ToroDev
will be focusing mainly in three core sectors; Education, Health and Economic
development. As a way of working closely with the education departments in the 4
sampled districts of Kabarole, Kyenjojo, Kyegegwa and Ntoroko, ToroDev has had
several engagements and consultations with the education team including DEO’s,
inspectors of schools, secretaries of education at the district council in
these districts to discuss challenges affecting the education sector in their
districts and the main challenge identified was to train school management
committees so that they are equipped to do their governance roles & deal
with some of the challenges affecting their schools since many new members had
been brought on board as members of these committees.
ToroDev team together with the area
inspector of schools have gone ahead to conduct a baseline study on the current
state of the schools in Bufunjo & Nyankwanzi sub counties in Kyenjojo
district. The sampled schools where the training will be done are twenty five
(25) and the baseline survey was done in 10 schools. The issues collected will
represent the situation in all the 25 schools. The survey findings indicate
that; school management committees are not doing their roles, pupils dropping
out of schools, issues of enrolment, retention & completion, PTA is not
supporting the schools, infrastructure in form of class rooms, libraries&
latrines are still a big challenge, congestion of pupils in class & desks i.e.
pupil desk ratio was at 1:6 in some schools conflicting with 1:3 minimum
standards of education under the ministry of education in Uganda. Some teachers
refuse to report where they have been posted due to lack of accommodation in these
schools and long distances from a near by trading centre to the school combined
with the nature of transport & roads in the area, lack of lunch for pupils
making them go hungry the whole day hence affecting their learning, lack of
safe & clean water, interalia. 
state of some classrooms from the visited schools

 The training is aimed at providing capacity
building and training of 600 School Management Committees, so as to help them
become collaborative, support systems for improving learning amongst students. The training sessions will be
organized to transfer knowledge to SMC members in matters of UPE policy, using
ICT to advocate, inspections, capitation grant procedures, etc.

The orientation & training will
also involve a discussion and action points on ways of retaining the female
learners in UPE schools and reducing the annual drop-out by at least 20%.  The facilitators will further look at
orientating & training of focal senior women both at SMCs and School staff levels.
The training will aim at strengthening 144 SMCs from the 12 sampled poor
performing schools in the four districts and providing them with knowledge on
their roles and responsibilities as
managers of schools.
The training will further equip all head teachers with customer care techniques on how to work with
School Management Committees in schools
and also explain
 in  details
 of  School  Management  Committees
 in schools and what is expected of
Training will be facilitated by the team from the
District education department who are more knowledgeable and experienced in
education matters and is scheduled for the last week of October 22016.
We are much humbled by the financial & technical support from SIDA, NED, SPIDER, CIPESA, ICT4DEM & all other development
partners as we aim to offer a hand to improve the education standards in our

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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