ToroDev’s weekly radio program discussions sensitizing citizens

ToroDev in a way of advocating for improved service delivery
and public accountability has continued sensitizing citizens through the weekly
radio programs where leaders, both technical, politicians and citizens are
always hosted live in studios on all the 3 radio stations we are working with
as of todate.
On 21st May, 2016 during the ‘Orukurato’program
that is aired live every Saturday 8:00pm-10:00pm on HITS Fm, a poll question; Have you ever been asked to pay a bribe to
access services in a government health facility?
 was discussed. Listeners participated through
call-ins and Sms platform;
’We pay for services
and the workers in our health facilities are rude and hash to patients’’
said Mr. Mugisa John a caller from Rwaitera in Kyenjojo district, ‘’They always ask for money that they want
to buy cloves especially to the victims of accidents’’,
said Ms Nyakaisiki
Janerose a caller from Rurama in Kabarole district, ‘’I paid a bribe to extract a tooth of my child in a government health
facility, people pay for services even when they are meant to be free’’
said Edith a caller from Kanara in Ntoroko district.
Related to the above, on 28th May, 2016 still on
Hits Fm, listeners were asked; why are
people staying quiet on corruption in their communities?
Over 323 people
responded through the use of social media platforms and the majority 42% said
they keep quiet due to fear of what will happen next. Those who participated
through call-ins said; ‘’those who
support corruption have practiced it for long and have to some extent benefited
from it’
, said Teddy a caller
from Katebwa in Kabarole district, ‘’the
spirit of patriotism is lost and people have developed  I do not care attitude’’,
said John Bright
a caller from Bundibugyo district, ‘’Corrupt people are stronger than us and sometimes we do not have evidence to pin
them on the act of corruption and also fear of what will happen next’’
said Omuhereza Katongole a caller from Kyegegwa district.
On Jubilee Radio during the ‘Listeners’ forum’ program the
roles of local council councilors were articulated by Hon. Muntu Willy from
Ntoroko district, Kenneth Murusura from Hakibale & Mr. Mukwano Ssenyonjo
the chairperson of advocacy forums in Rwenzori region now that new councilors
have been sworn in and taken offices. ‘’
Councilors derive their mandate from the Local government Act; they are
mandated to cause  meetings in their
communities to gather opinions of the citizens say at sub county level so that
they are able to take the opinions to the district council for further
discussion and approval, they are supposed to attend all council sessions but
most of them promise things they cannot do for their communities like
constructing roads, schools, etc when actually they do not have a budget they
directly control to help them implement their promises’’
, said Kenneth
during the live discussion.  ‘’we have had tendencies of electing leaders
who do not even know their roles/responsibilities which calls for regular
sensitizations. LC 1’s for long have existed illegally and government supports
them the wrong way because they are not constitutionally recognized. Councilors
are supposed to monitor government programs/projects and also to attend council
sessions. Let every leader play his/her roles well, then we shall develop our
, said Hon. Muntu Willy, district councilor for Bweramule sub
county in Ntoroko district. 
Mr. Mukonyezi Wilfred the moderator of ‘Listeners Forum’ program on Jubilee Radio
participated in the live radio discussion that is aired every Sunday 8:00pm-10:00pm;
’A good councilor should first access
the problems of his people he/she intends to represent, how can someone who has
no O level certificate lead people has education lost meaning? Do we expect
someone who has failed to swear an oath of office to debate in a council as
’’, asked Joyce Kamara a caller from Kyegegwa district.
Meanwhile electoral reforms and post election messages
developed through skits and live studio debates of influential people
(citizens) have continued being played on KRC Radio to mobilize citizens to embrace
peace in the region especially after elections. ‘’Manya Omwebembezi wawe’’
program on KRC Radio is aired live every Wednesday 8:00pm -10:00pm where listeners
always participate in the discussion through call- inns and sms platforms.
Mr. Kaahwa Kansengerwa the moderator of ‘Manya Omwebembezi Wawe’ program on KRC radio
We are grateful to all our development partners for the
financial and technical support.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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